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Yeast Dermatitis (Malassezia) in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

Humans and dogs both uncomfortable when the weather gets hot and humid. That combination creates the perfect environment for yeast to grow and multiply on your dog’s skin. An overgrowth of yeast can lead to a condition called yeast dermatitis in dogs or Malassezia dermatitis. Dogs with yeast dermatitis tend to have itchy and inflamed skin, and they may be very uncomfortable. Here’s what you need to know about Malassezia in dogs, including causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment. What C

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Imodium (Loperamide) for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

If you’ve never had to deal with dog diarrhea, you’re a fortunate pet owner. Like it or not, this is a common complaint in canines. While an extreme bout can be a sign of something serious, it’s not unusual for your dog to be temporarily unwell after eating something that doesn’t agree with them or when suffering from a mild tummy bug. If your dog is prone to picking up things they shouldn’t, you might be tempted to grab some anti-diarrhea drugs from your medicine cabinet to stem the flow. Bu

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How Much Mental and Physical Exercise Do Puppies Need?

New puppies are curious, cuddly creatures. Full of energy, they sniff, paw, and gnaw at anything that catches their eye. When they’re not dissecting something they shouldn’t, pups either plop down in the middle of a room to take a nap or run circles around the furniture with your favorite slipper. How much more mental and physical exercise do they need with all this activity? Exercise is essential for physical and mental health, but only the right kind in the right amount for the right breed

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Is Your Dog Noise Sensitive? Sources of Anxiety You May Not Even Notice

Home sweet home may mean peace and quiet to you. But to your dog, the same home could sound like a marching band. Dogs hear many high-frequency noises that are undetectable to the human ear and may cause them to feel stressed. A study of 13,700 pet dogs showed that noise sensitivity was the most common trait to cause anxiety in dogs, showing up in almost one-third of the dogs. What Is Noise Sensitivity? “Noise sensitivity describes a dog who is fearful or startled by environmental noises,”

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Hyperthyroidism in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Although hyperthyroidism in dogs is a relatively rare disease, it can have serious consequences for a dog’s health and life expectancy. The function of the thyroid gland is to produce hormones that regulate metabolism or, in other words, how quickly the body uses energy. Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland releases more hormones than what are necessary for the body to function. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in dogs is a tumor in the thyroid gland, located near the dog’s w

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Pica in Dogs: What to Know

If you accidentally drop food on the floor, it’s no surprise if your dog tries to wolf it down. But what about when your dog eats things that aren’t food? Whether it’s dirt in the backyard or an elastic band from the garbage, why would a dog eat something that doesn’t provide dietary value? Known as pica, this condition seems odd, but some dogs do it. However, there are dangerous consequences, so it’s important to learn the causes of pica and how to prevent it to keep your dog safe. What Is P

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What to Do If Your Dog Has a Loose Tooth

It’s normal for puppies to lose their primary teeth. For an adult dog, a loose or wiggly tooth can be the result of an injury or a sign of dental disease. And because dental disease takes years to develop, we have an opportunity to intervene and prevent tooth loss, starting with good dental hygiene. Prevention is the most effective strategy for avoiding dental problems. But if you happen to notice that your dog has a loose tooth, it’s important to consult your veterinarian to ensure that your

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Vestibular Disease in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment

If you’ve ever had issues with your balance, you know how frightening it can be. Well, dogs can have balance issues, too, and the dramatic way it manifests is scary for the dog, as well as the owner observing the signs. Any dysfunction in the body’s system for balance and equilibrium leads to something known as vestibular disease. Learn what vestibular disease in dogs looks like and what you can do to help your dog if they’re ever affected. What Is Vestibular Disease in Dogs? Just as in hu

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How Does Dog Eyesight Work? What Do Dogs See?

From going on adventures to your day-to-day activities, you and your dog share your lives together. But while you share so much of your world with them, you don’t share the same visual world. What you see, from colors to light, and what your dog sees, are actually very different. The eyes of each species evolved to maximize the type of vision they needed to survive. Many of these differences are obvious just by comparing dog versus human eyes. So what do dogs actually see, and how does their vis

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What is a Double Coat, and What Dog Breeds Are Double-Coated?

From double to single, long to hairless, and curly to wiry, dogs’ coats come in different textures, lengths, and colors. But what exactly are double-coated dogs? Defining Double-Coated Dogs Double-coated dog breeds have coats made up of two different layers. The first, outermost layer is a harsh topcoat that consists of long, coarse hairs. A topcoat may also be called guard hairs or primary hairs. Beneath the topcoat is the short, soft, and dense second layer, usually referred to as the un

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Prozac (Fluoxetine) for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

Dogs who suffer from anxiety may engage in unwanted behaviors like inappropriate soiling, excessive barking, or other destructive behaviors. Sometimes people will ask their veterinarian about using fluoxetine for dogs or as it’s more commonly known, Prozac, because of its effectiveness in treating anxiety and fear. When it comes to your own dog, you might be asking: What is fluoxetine used for in dogs, and how can it help my dog? Before giving your dog any medication, it’s important to always

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How to Take Your Dog’s Temperature

You may have noticed how warm your dog feels when you’re cuddling with them. It’s not just your imagination: a dog’s normal body temperature is higher than ours. Knowing how to take a dog’s temperature can tell you a lot about their health. As a dog owner, it’s important to know what equipment to use, where on the body to get an accurate temperature, and when a temperature indicates your dog needs veterinary attention. What Is a Dog’s Normal Temperature? On average, a normal dog’s tempe

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Nuclear Sclerosis in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

It’s natural to worry if your dog’s eyes are turning cloudy. You might instantly think of canine cataracts, a typically progressive condition that can lead to total blindness. Fortunately, clouding over isn’t always a cause for concern. If your senior dog is developing a bluish haze on their eye lens, it’s commonly a much less serious age-related condition called nuclear sclerosis. Here’s what you need to know about the differences between nuclear sclerosis in dogs and cataracts and why a vet

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Pododermatitis in Dogs: What to Know

Occasional paw licking is normal grooming behavior in dogs. However, when the licking is extreme and persistent, it’s usually a sign there’s an underlying problem. If your dog’s paws also look red or inflamed, they could have pododermatitis. The key to getting pododermatitis in dogs under control is prompt diagnosis and treatment of the underlying cause. Otherwise, it can lead to debilitating chronic flare-ups and infections. What is Pododermatitis in Dogs? Dr. Millie Rosales is a board

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Why Is My Dog Throwing Up White Foam?

If you own a dog, there’s a good chance you’ve had to clean up a pile of vomit at some point. While vomiting is common in dogs and not always a sign of a serious problem, it isn’t something to ignore. And when it’s happening often or accompanied by other symptoms, consulting with a veterinarian is always recommended. But what about when your dog throws up a white, foamy liquid? Dr. Brian Collins is an extension associate with the Cornell Riney Canine Health Center at the Cornell University Co

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Rotten Dog Teeth: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

You’re likely aware that your dog’s oral health is an important part of their overall wellbeing. Problems in your dog’s mouth can be painful and may lead to difficulty eating, along with other issues like bad breath, bleeding from the mouth, or tooth loss. But are cavities the culprit when a dog has rotten teeth? In humans, cavities are a common issue, so you might assume it’s the same for dogs. Read on to learn about dog tooth decay, how to spot it, how to treat it, and when other problems are

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How to Get Your Dog Comfortable Wearing Clothes for Hot and Cold Weather

There are clothes for dogs of all sizes and a variety of reasons you might want to dress your dog. Sweaters, shirts, and coats are especially useful for keeping hairless and short-coated dogs warm and comfortable during cold weather. Raincoats can help keep dogs clean and dry while walking in the rain and reduce the need for significant grooming when they get back inside. For dogs of all sizes, shoes or boots can help protect their feet from being burned by hot pavement or injured by deicer or s

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Cancer in Dogs: What to Know

If your dog develops cancer, it’s terrifying and overwhelming. At its most basic, cancer is the uncontrolled growth of cells, but the location of that growth and whether it has metastasized (spread to other parts of your dog’s body) make a huge difference. There are so many questions about treatment, survival, and quality of life. Many of these concerns will depend on your dog’s specific diagnosis. However, as cancer is so common in dogs, it’s important to understand the basics of the disease

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Liver Cancer in Dogs: Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Your dog’s liver plays an important role in their health, from filtering toxins from their blood to helping with digestion. As a result, cancer in dogs can have serious consequences. Some liver tumors are benign, meaning they aren’t cancerous and won’t spread to other organs. But some tumors are malignant (cancerous) and can spread throughout the liver or even metastasize (travel to other areas of the body). Here’s what to know about the signs of liver cancer in dogs, diagnosis, and possible tre

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Dramamine for Dogs: Uses, Side Effects, and Alternatives

Some dogs eagerly await car rides, rushing to the door when they hear keys jingling. But for other dogs, traveling by car or airplane can be a miserable experience. Symptoms of motion sickness include nausea, vomiting, excessive drooling, and diarrhea. Dogs with this condition may begin to associate car rides with stressful experiences like vet visits or past bouts of illness. If your dog experiences motion sickness or travel-related anxiety, discuss with your veterinarian potential causes an

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What Type of Dog Fence Should I Have?

In the words of Robert Frost, “Good fences make good neighbors.” But when it comes to dogs and backyards, fences are essential items to keep your pet safe and secure. Fences create safe outdoor spaces for your dog to run, play, sniff, and snooze — all without a leash. Plus, an enclosed yard with a secure gate gives owners peace of mind that diggers, climbers, and jumpers won’t escape. But what type of dog fence is best for your home and your pet? What Dog Fence Is Right for Your Dog? If yo

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Cherry Eye in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatments

It’s easy to panic when you see an abnormality on your dog’s eye. Seeing a large pink or reddish bump appears in the corner of their eye. Cherry eye is the colloquial term for this condition, but the official name is prolapse of the third eyelid gland. In addition to the upper and lower eyelids, dogs have a third eyelid and associated gland, which helps keep the eye lubricated. When the structures around the gland weaken, it can fall from its normal position and stick out, looking somewhat li

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Nasal Tumors in Dogs: Signs, Symptoms, Treatment

One way a dog views the world is through their sense of smell. Their nose is essential to their life experience. But it’s not a body part you might immediately worry about when you hear the word cancer. However, between 1% to 2% of all cancers in dogs are nasal tumors. Do you know what to look for? Learn about nasal tumors in dogs and how you can give your dog the best treatment and longest life expectancy. What Are Nasal Tumors in Dogs? A tumor is an abnormal mass of cells that arises

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