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Dogs and deer and culling deer

Spring and the baby fawns will soon be in my yard and in the woods all around. Never heard of momma deer charging. Maybe we have more space for deer here to keep their babies safe. It is momma bears we have to watch out for. Those cute cubs gamboling around and straying from their mother's side makes her very anxious. Angus will chase the white tails when we are out walking but is learning like all my previous dogs that he will never catch one. More of a token chase nowadays. In the yard he is



Random Pleasures

Not at all dog-related, I'm merely stealing an idea from the Pop Culture Happy Hour podcast segment "What's making you happy this week." This week I ran across this little music video and it definitely moved me from curmudgeonly grouch mode into a much happier "hope for humanity" mode. If you don't already know them, that was Maisie and Lennon Stella, ages 12 and 15 (I think). I love seeing two siste



When your dog is attacked: What I have learned Part III

In our community (and I believe in most communities) a pattern of aggression has to be established before the authorities can take action against dangerous/vicious dogs. In our city, two tickets must be issued/incidents recorded before a dangerous dog hearing can be scheduled. This is why ticketing the offenders is so important. If the incident isn't on record, it may as well not have happened. I understand the thought process behind this rule although I don't think it applies to all situatio



When your dog is attacked: What I have learned Part II

Despite the fact it will be the last thing you want to do, documentation of the attack is of utmost importance. If I had remembered my phone on the day of the attack I could have taken an immediate photo of the dog owners and their dogs standing in their front yard afterwards. As it turned out I didn't need it - the owner of the dogs was caught in so many lies/inconsistencies during the hearing that it was no contest - but under other circumstances it would have been a key piece of evidence.



When your dog is attacked: What I have learned Part I

Buffy was attacked on a beautiful, crisp September morning when the possibility of a dog attack was the furthest thing from my mind. I had no mode of defense with me, I had no plan. I was walking in very familiar territory only a block from my home where I have lived for over 20 years. The attack was unprovoked, sudden and brutal. Luckily I did a few things right, although I also have some regrets (and feel a certain amount of guilt) about how I handled the attack. The guilt, of course, is that



Winter Update

Happy New Year to one and all. I hope the new year finds everyone safe, relatively happy, and appropriately warm or cool depending on what's appropriate for your continent Here in Portland we had a crisp and bright and sunny New Years Day, perfect for boxing up the Christmas decorations, removing lights, and doing some pruning and winter yard work. Recent Forum Updates In the spirit of continuous tinkering (I just can't help it sometimes) I have added yet another database you are free to us



In praise of local clubs

Today our local Cairn club had a small brunch at at local landmark — McMenamin's Kennedy School — to celebrate ten years as a club. Our club president has been culling through the club scrapbook and web site archives and with the help of her cousin put together a look back at our first ten years. I think we've been lucky in the Northwest to have a two excellent Cairn clubs and in watching those photos of Columbia club activities for the past ten years roll by I am reminded th



Guns in town and guns in the country

I lived in Chicago for ten years. I heard guns every night. People were shooting and killing each other. Everyday folks killed from fear, from anger, from need to beat rivals and rival gangs. The police shot to try and keep order. I've lived in the back country for twenty years I hear guns every Fall and some in the Spring. Hunters are killing animals and birds. They hunt for the thrill of the chase, for food to put in the freezer, maybe for a trophy to hang on the wall. This is an area



Stitches for Snitches

This is the first time I've used a blog. Not sure what they are or how to do it, any feedback would be very helpful. I don't use Facebook, Twitter or much else besides CairnTalk and the store sites for shopping to see what is on sale. Since about 1998 chat rooms were my favorite especially the Senior Citizens Chat. We became a family. The members passed on. There are two of us left and we talk on the phone now. CairnTalk is my new online family. So here goes. I had to write this after read

Malcolm's Dad

Malcolm's Dad

Dens, Dust, and Dahlias

The boys (Dundee and Granger) and I went down to Turner on Friday for the OTEEC earthdog weekend. The girls (Stella and Echo) came down with Peggy early Saturday morning. After arriving Friday and getting the RV set up, the dogs watered, the dens inspected and the tables set out for the secretary, the raffle, and the potluck, we had an hour or two to sit and enjoy the quiet afternoon before folks started rolling in. I took Dundee for a potty walk around the small orchard by the house a




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