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Better understanding of dog body language could make interactions safer

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A better understanding of the way dogs communicate distress could be the first step in reducing the risk of dog bites for both children and adults, a new study has found.pQMoHD3irTA

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Guest dog person

Posted (edited)

Informative.   I hope it helps more pet owners pay attention to the subtle cues their dog is giving them.

Excerpt below:

Results showed that younger children found it harder to correctly interpret dog distress signals with 53 per cent of three year olds misinterpreting high risk signals such as growling or snarling. Of the children who made mistakes, 65 per cent thought that these dogs were happy. Results showed 17per cent of the parents also incorrectly interpreted these behaviours.

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Guest dog person

Posted (edited)

PS: Best to err on the side of safety.

Separate dogs from children and other dogs when they show signs of aggression.

Accidents can happen in the blink of an eye.

That has been my experience and I have a one eyed dog to prove it.

Remember, even the most well trained dog has the emotional maturity of a three year old child.

Edited by dog person
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