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Dog Agility Equipment for Backyard Training and Just Plain Fun​

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Whether you plan to compete or just want a fun, challenging activity to do with your dog, agility is a great form of exercise and bonding for both of you. In agility, a dog and handler complete an obstacle course as accurately as possible and in as short a time as they can. It’s a highly athletic event that requires training, teamwork, and concentration. But you don’t have to compete to enjoy it; backyard agility courses are a great way to provide exercise and stimulation and to build a trusting relationship with your dog.

Agility Equipment for Dogs

The common pieces of agility gear are jumps, weave courses, and tunnels. You can go all-out and use every piece of competition equipment or stick to a few basics.

Open Tunnel

A dog runs at full speed to the entrance of the tunnel, approaching from any angle, runs through it and then exits quickly. This is a good starting point because it’s one of the easiest obstacles to master. For example:

HDP Collapsible Dog Tunnel


This shape-shifting tunnel is regulation-size, 18-feet long, with a 24-inch openings. It’s durable, lightweight, and portable, and comes with stakes and a carrying case.


A dog leaps over the panel, bar, or triple jump from a proper distance and from any angle, without displacing the board or bar. You’ll want something portable, that’s lightweight enough for you to move around in case you want to rearrange the course. For example:

Hurdle Set for Dog Fitness and Agility

ir?t=amerkennclub-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B006HKAYou can set the bar to eight different heights, raising it as your dog gains mastery. The set includes four jumping bars, eight high-visibility cones, and height-adjustment attachments.

Travel Jump Set
ir?t=amerkennclub-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B0049IGSet up anywhere with four portable, adjustable jumps with heights ranging from 4-to-24 inches. The jumps, made of furniture-grade PVC, come with a carrying bag and vinyl tape for marking the jumps.

Weave Poles

A dog enters to the right of the first pole at top speed. While focused straight ahead, he weaves through each pole as quickly as he can, staying as close to the center line a possible. For example:

Adjustable Agility Weave Polesir?t=amerkennclub-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00AWM6


The six poles are fully adjustable, and you can set them for a straight or offset course.
They are easy to assemble and meet competition guidelines.

You can add to this basic agility equipment with additional obstacles used in competition:

Dog Agility Kits

Affordable Agility in the Bagir?t=amerkennclub-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B002XE0

The kit contains an adjustable jump, weave poles, a tire jump, tunnel, and pause box. The gear is sturdy, easy to assemble, and comes with a large carrying bag. It is a great starter kit, but may be better suited for smaller dogs. The price is most likely lower than what you would pay for each piece individually.

Agility Beginner Bundleir?t=amerkennclub-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B001F5Q
519fmGJwFRL.jpgWith an adjustable tire jump, single/double bar jump, weave poles, and a tunnel, you’ll have what you need to get your dog started on agility. Just right for the backyard enthusiast.

Dog Agility Equipment Package

ir?t=amerkennclub-20&l=li3&o=1&a=B00CRJIAlthough this set doesn’t have everything you need, you and your dog will get a good start with a single bar jump, hoop jump and weave poles. The equipment is easy to assemble, lightweight and sturdy.

Even if you never intend to compete, having some basic pieces of agility equipment can provide your dog (and you) with endless hours of exercise, entertainment, and bonding time.

The post Dog Agility Equipment for Backyard Training and Just Plain Fun​ appeared first on American Kennel Club.

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