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Flea, Tick, mosquito treatments


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Molly is due for another flea and tick treatment. I'm also noticing that the mosquitoes seem to LOVE her. I got a does of Frontline from the vet when I took her in, but am not sure if that's what I want to use. Because she had tapeworm already, want to be sure and keep her on some sort of treatment at all times.

What kind of flea/tick/mosquito product do you use?

Also, my brother says he read something about the meds like the Frontline type (where you daub it on their backs) possibly being related to tumors in dogs. Anyone hear of anything like that?


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we use k9 advantix ....I never heard of it being related to tumors though...


Dogs' lives are too short. Their only fault, really." - Carlotta Monterey O'Neill

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weve always used frontline plus. on all 3 of the dogs weve had since i was little. only had 2 flea experiences. paisley had them before she had any treatment. as soon as i put a drop on her, they all died and none have been on her since. my maltese had fleas once in 11 years and that was because my dad forgot to put anything on him. frontline has been great for us! never tried anything else...and have only heard of it irritating the skin, never heard of it causing tumors?

**Ila and Paisley**
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Frontline Plus has worked very well for us. You might want to ask your vet what he or she would recommend. Vets usually recommend the product that they've had the most experience with, which can be a good thing in your case. With Molly's tapeworm history, the vet can be alert to the drug's impact/effects on her.

A point of info you may or may not need: It has been my understanding that you must always be vigilant about the dosing schedule with flea/tick products. Always apply it every month on the date it is due... not too soon or too late. It is a strong product and applying it too soon can overload the dog's system. Too late and fleas or ticks can gain a foothold.


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