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Introducing our new puppy (at last)


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Well..update Yesterday we went for a drive in the truck over to the electronics store to buy a "Flip" video camera - about the size of a cell phone and takes great video, only problem is we (using that we again as in hubby) haven't yet figured out how to save it over to youtube. But just wanted to let you all know what lucky parents we are - she fell asleep on the couch last night at around 8:30 p.m. and I decided I'd better get to bed at the same time - so picked her up and moved her and her crate into the bedroom on top of the cedar chest. As I crawled into bed, she wimpered about two to three times - I talked to her gently and she & I fell asleep almost immediately. She actually slept the whole night and awoke at 5:00 a.m. - out for two poops and a pee and then back inside. I have to tell you all - we have six steps from the ground to our wrap-around porch and she has now navigated up those steps quite well. However, the one downside is her biting and hanging onto our clothing. The living room looks like a nursery with toys scattered all over - but that is how we distract her from biting - by handing her one of her various toys. I've attached two recent pix from yesterday. She is just as sweet as her pictures. Of course there is always tomorrow for a change of mind. :confused:

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Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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It sounds like moving the crate to the bedroom did the trick. It's wonderful that she made it through the night and then did her business outside! Cairns are very smart (it takes both hubby and me to outwit ours) and they catch on fast; I think it's just their stubbornness that gets in the way sometimes. As for the biting: You'll see plenty of other posts regarding this. It's a puppy thing and, if you're consistent with correcting it, it will pass. Good luck and keep us posted on her progress! :)

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For videos, I use a combination of Windows Photo, Picasa, and then Utube to get the vids on the internet--a three part process and probably redundant but downloading direct to Utube isn't something I'm comfortable with. I want to keep those videos in my personal photo files.

Layla is wonderful--love her color.

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we tried several different things for the biting, but what did the trick for both Packy & Kirby later on was to yell "Ouch!" really loud when they bite us too hard. It shocked them and it was almost like they realized they hurt us, because they would start licking us with their ears laid back. We kept that up and the rough biting stopped.

Funny, when I've been gone and get home, Packy "talks" to me and has to mouth me to welcome me home. It's not a bite, but he puts his mouth on me and then licks me. I call it a bite and a kiss.

Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Another update - I am so impressed with her behavior. She slept thru the night again (no soiling her crate) - went to bed at 9:00 p.m. and hubby had to wake her this morning at 6:00 A.M. She certainly knows where the front door is and will hover there when she needs to go out. As Brad once said he watches them like a hawk and we are doing the exact same thing. If she is not napping, we are constantly on guard. I think (matter of fact I know) that I once said I'd like to have two puppies - I was out of my mind :confused: Good thing Brad, once again, suggested that in a year and a half would be a good time to bring another dog into our lives. For now, one is certainly enough. She also appears to know her name quite well (that's probably because we never fail to say it - over and over again) This morning there was a mourning dove on the ground beneath the bird feeder and she crouched down and started to growl - then pounced. Unfortunately she was at least twenty feet away and only the bird was worried. She watches the birds fly down to the bird feeders (we have three of them) and is interested in everything. I didn't think at this early stage that their eyesight and hearing would be this alert - but who knew. She is turning out to be a good puppy - except when she gets her teeth into my socks. She is certainly learning what the word "no" means and the front steps - actually flies up them with no problem. Idaho Cairns, the reason hubby cannot upload the videos from "flip" is perhaps his computer (being now 10 years old) doesn't have the processing capabilities. He is working on it as we speak. Well..that's the latest update for today. Dempsy's Mom - that is a great new picture of your Christmas baby.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Wow - Layla seems to be getting smarter every day! I'm very impressed that she's doing so well with her potty training and that she's sleeping through the night. As everyone says, you need your rest when you're raising a baby Cairn. :whistle:

We love the updates - keep 'em coming!

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I'm so happy to hear Layla is fitting right in. She is so adorable with that little dark muzzle of hers. Give her some hugs & kisses from my gang! :hug:

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Morning everyone - today is Layla's 10 week anniversary! Once again she slept thru the night (each night I keep my fingers crossed that all will be well) - put her down at 9:00 p.m. (she actually fell asleep @ 8:00 and didn't want to be awakened to go out for last potty - but Mummy rules!) and up at 6:05 a.m. with nary a peep. She is always so happy to be taken out of her crate first thing in the morning - she presses up against my neck - and I love it. Her outside training is really going well - although we did have two pp accidents in the house yesterday. She seems to be adapting quite well to her new home and surroundings. She still migrates her food from the kitchen to the livingroom. However, I have a slight concern - I'm not sure if she is eating enough. We have a 1/4 cup scoop and have filled her dish three times each day (each scoop is level) - but there is always some kibble left over. Is this enough food? I don't want to give her anything other than her kibbles (other than water) as I'm not sure what, if anything, I would give her. My common sense tells us that if she wanted more she would eat more and that what we are giving her is sufficient for her needs. Should I add some cooked oatmeal to her food in the morning? Any comments would be appreciated. Everyone have a great day. I've added two new pics for your viewing pleasure :)

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Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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Funny you should ask! I too had the same question for my veterinarian. Basically, our pups will be going in and out of growth spurts. She will be eating to accommodate these needs.

I was told that if Bailey eats all her food and is looking for more, give her more. The times that she walks away from her bowl, pick it up. She will eat at the next meal time.

Two Cairns are better than one! Mac is so much more active and happily, Bailey loves the lake!


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I forgot to say that Layla is gorgeous! Glad that she is cooperating with the sleep schedule - it sure helps us moms to feel a bit more balanced.

Isn't it amazing how often these little bits have to go number two?!!!

Two Cairns are better than one! Mac is so much more active and happily, Bailey loves the lake!


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Grinning here Rattlesnake Gal - yes - poops is seemingly endless. However, I did want to add one extra thing. When we feed her we just leave the food in the plate at all times. In other words, we don't feed her and then take away the plate. She never eats more than a few kibbles at a time - so if we were to remove the plate, my concern is that she would go hungry. Not sure what I should do at this point. btw...first vet visit today at 2:30 P.M. I also failed to mention that the day before we picked up Layla from the breeders - she had had her bile acid test and all proved normal.

Husband and dog missing ...25 cents reward for dog

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