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Looking For An Addition


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Our boy, Jack, will be one year old on Sunday! He is the greatest joy that has entered our lives in years. We went through all the normal things in the first year of living with a Cairn. This forum was a savior to find out that all these things were normal and to find advice to deal with everything in a normal fashion. I am grateful to all that contribute here and will continue to try give input when I can, I am not an expert.

My wife and I have decided to find Jack a permanent companion. We have seen him interact with a Cairn female his age and the kindred spirit is overwhelming! It is probably the happiest that I have ever seen any creature. Seeing the two of them run, off leash, in the woods and creeks of North Carolina was wonderful. Nothing we have done; building a dog yard, doggy daycare, dog day events, adventures to the beach, etc, can compare. To that end,we are looking for a female, one year old +/- a few months. I have done considerable searching on the internet and everything seems to be in the 16 hour driving range. I'm not opposed to driving but I don't want to stress the pups. Two or three days on the road may be a bit much for an introduction. I am willing to meet half way, pay expenses and or air freight. If we have to go the puppy route we will have to wait until next spring, our work is busy this time of year. If anyone has a lead or advice I would love to hear from them. As the forum rules state, message me or e-mail (purviswr@yahoo.com). I am sure there is a way to make this happen. My boy would enjoy it so much.

post-5574-0-84882100-1337172628_thumb.jp My Buddy

He's waiting for the mid-day nap, I'm on night shift. :(

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Cairns are very adaptable and while I don't feel they necessarily *require* another dog to be happy, I would be a hypocrite if I didn't admit that I'm a fan of multiple Cairns :P So bascially, :thumbsup:

That said, I think having the first dog be two (or even a bit older) is ideal. There's a lot of maturation and adolescence going on in that 1-2 year period. I also think that it's a golden time for intense communication and baseline training - requiring attention that is inevitably divided when bringing another member of the household on board.

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Not that I wasn't convinced before, but Jack is undoubtedly the luckiest dog on the face of the earth. I'm sure he'd love to share that great backyard of yours with a playmate. :)

I agree with Brad, though, about waiting a while before jumping in and bringing another Cairn home. Buffy was around 1 yo when we adopted her and she changed significantly during that 1-to-2 year old period. You're doing everything right - socializing Jack, training him, bonding with him - and I'd hate to see you lose any of the ground you've gained by having to divide your time between him and another Cairn so soon.

It sounds to me like you'd readily accept a rescued/shelter Cairn - is that correct? If so, this would be a good time to put the word out in your area. Contact local rescue groups and shelters and let them know what you're looking for. Keep in touch with them, let them know you're serious about adopting another dog and I'll bet a little female Cairn will pop up on the radar eventually. Just a thought.

Whatever you decide, we'll all be here waiting for pics and stories!

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Are you trying to breed them and make more ? :D

If so lucky Jack!!! Fonzy's balls are cut off, lol

I wish u and jack the best ever, 16 hour trip is to long for me :D

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