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Finch was picked for the contest!


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Got lucky, the system let me vote again. Currently Finch is 14 votes ahead of the closest competition. I think everyone should try voting again. It let me, so it's worth a shot! GO FINCH!

MikeC & Duffy

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This stinks, I tried to get my wife to vote on her laptop but the site must recognize the router address because it said she had already voted . Since we(my desktop,her laptop) are on a home network through a router it must see both computers as the same address. Sorry, but we tried. We did get one vote in though !!

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Thanks for all your votes and all your effort......big hugs to everyone! Finch has a comfortable lead now....whew! I wish it were the end of the month already....this is tense! :confused:

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This is driving ME crazy with worry, I can only imagine what YOU feel like.

I get more ticked off that the times I go there to vote, it doesn't look like my vote is counted. I must have cleaned out my cache and stuff 100 times. Just for that little guy Finch and it's worth it!

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Shoe, I did a little SPAM :D at a "regular" discussion board where I post and I got all of them to vote for Finch. When I logged in over there this morning, all I saw was a bunch of "I voted for Finch!" or "Go Finch!" Hope that helped.

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Shoe, I have been able to vote every day. I haven't tried more than once a day so maybe that's the trick. Finch obviously is the favorite at this point and I hope it stays that way and Finch wins it by a landslide.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only 2 more days left!!!!!!!! I heard that they will discount double votes....something about counting ISP addresses?? Anywho....I'll let you know how it turns out. I want to thank each and everyone who voted in the contest! It has been a fun experience for me. :D

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Finch won the contest!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all your love and support through this month (and all the previous months!).

The December contest is already in full swing and there is only one Cairn in the contest. Let's all give our support to little Griffin!

The Terrier Site

**Griffin is in the second row.

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