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She's a mix... but with what?


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This is my little dog Daphne, who I rescued from a local animal control office.  She was found on the side of a freeway, where she'd likely been living for a few weeks.  The pound told me she's a Cairn, likely because of her brindle, but she has floppy ears, a pretty long body, and the cutest little snubby nose with an underbite.  What do you think she's mixed with?









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First of all love love love the name Daphne. as you can see from my post I am obsessed with names right now trying to name our new one.

But back to your dog, She is beautiful and sure looks like a terrier to me. Living off the side of a road how horrible for her thank you so much for saving her. Sure looks like she has part cairn terrier in her, but whatever mix she is, she certainly is special

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cairn terriers leave pawprints on our lives
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I posted this in another forum, but I think it may fit better here...? 


This is my little dog Daphne, who I rescued from a local animal control office.  She was found on the side of a freeway, where she'd likely been living for a few weeks.  The pound told me she's a Cairn, likely because of her brindle, but she has floppy ears, a pretty long body, and the cutest little snubby nose with an underbite.  What do you think she's mixed with?







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Looks like cairn coat. Maybe border terrier in there somewhere?

Whatever the mix Daphne is very cute and lucky to have you rescue her.

How old do you think she is?

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I have no idea what she is mixed with but she is a real cutie. Welcome to the forum and thanks for the pictures. We love pictures of Cairns mixed or full.

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Welcome, and congratulations for adopting little Daphne!  You did a wonderful thing by taking her in.


The coloring and coat look very Cairnish.  Is her coat rough or soft?  It looks rough in the photo but, darn it, we can't pet her to find out.  I'm curious about her age, too.  Did the vet give you any kind of best guess? 


I think she's part Cairn and part adorable. 

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Thanks all!  Her coat is very rough - it feels like un-conditioned human hair.  And, funny story about her age... animal control told me I was required to pay to have her spayed before I could take her home, and the fee was $30.  I of course agreed - her adoption fee was $15!  Still a great deal, obviously.  So while she waited for her surgery appointment, I went to visit her to bring her a collar to wear (so no one would think she was still up for adoption!).  When I came by, the pound just randomly said I had to take her that day - they said she's "too young" to spay.  They said she was about 5 months old. 


So, Daphne is my first dog, and I was just thrilled to get to take her home that day!  I had no clue how old she was.  But it was weird; they said she was "too young" but then made me sign an agreement to spay her within 30 days.  I asked how she'll be old enough in just 30 days, but they just said it'd be fine.


After a few lovely days with her, I took Daphne to visit my boyfriend's dog, Chico - a Papillion.  My boyfriend is French, and Chico is not neutered - that's a whole other story.  We were so thrilled; they got along SO well.  Too well!!  After ten minutes of playing in the yard, they had sex.  I lost it - I thought my poor little baby puppy was being raped by this scoundrel French dog!  We called the emergency vet, had a couple drinks to cool down, and kept them apart. 


I took Daphne to the vet three days after her "wild night" and the vet (thankfully) gave me some much-needed dog education.  Apparently Daphne is a little over a year old, was definitely in heat, and (based off what I saw of her sexy encounter) had a wonderful time with Chico.  The vet said anyone with any dog experience at all would see she was in heat, and that animal control likely didn't want to cover the additional cost of spaying her in that condition.  Since it's so much easier to adopt out puppies, they lied and sent her home with me to get knocked up! 


She's spayed now, and we're all one big happy family - we moved in together a couple months ago.  Daphne and Chico play together all the time and are the best of friends; never a single spat.  Whoever said you can't be friends with former lovers hasn't met our little dogs!

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Aww, Daphne's adorable!! I agree, she might be part border.


She sure must be having a wonderful time -- went from the pound, to a loving home, and now has a steady boyfriend! 

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Beside the coat, the color, the eyes, another clue of Cairnishness is those tiny turned outward feet--not sure of the parentage but there is some Cairn in there somewhere--a strong shot of Cairn.  Surprised about the French/Scot love affair--generally not nationalities that get along well with each other.  Oh well, it is a new age and new understandings.

Nice rescue catch!  Often these "mixes" tend to be hardier and  healthier than the breed dogs and given Daphne's adventure along side the freeway, it would seem she is a pretty self sufficient little terrier.

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Great romance story! LOL! But pretty irresponsible of animal control  :confused:  Daphne is such a cutie and it sounds like she has a great temperment too. She's a lucky girl to have landed in your home. She definitely looks to be part cairn and the border terrier suggestion looks spot on to me. Enjoy!

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Bless you for adopting a rescue. As sad as the spay debacle is, it's also pretty funny. I'm glad you aren't dealing with an unexpected litter, that she got spayed and his happily living with her boyfriend. 


She sure looks at least part Border Terrier to me. Here's a info video about them (the dog at the very end of the video looks so much like your Daphne in the face!): 


Whatever she is, she is 100% cute. Enjoy her! And feel free to share as many pictures and stories here as you can!

Edited by _whits_
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"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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Welcome to both you and Daphne. She is adorable to say the least and seems to have settled in very nicely. She does look part cairn and border terrier to me, definitely a real cutie.

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Daphne is so adorable!!   At first glance, I thought she was a Border Terrier, but I see the Cairn there, too.  My two sweet rescues, Murphy the Cairn and Gracie the Black Lab send Daphne big welcome hugs!! :wub:

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  Whoever said you can't be friends with former lovers hasn't met our little dogs!


Oh my goodness, what a story! LOL!  Glad it all worked out for the best. She is just adorable. :) Welcome to both of you. :)

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Had a wry moment thinking about your concerns with your grown child's attitudes toward pets--we've been there (are there) with our adult kids and understand completely.  Probably the best thing is what you actually did, rescue the little dog from the situation, raise it in your home and let the matter drop.  Who know where kids raised in families with dogs get their ideas of what is right and wrong?  We have some children who are bigger dog fanatics than we are and others that could care less and are careless with how they treat their dogs--I have learned to stay out of it if I can.  We try really hard not to be hyper critical of our kids's dog caring or child raising techniques and so far haven't had to rescue a dog or a child.

Just enjoy Daphne, raise her up to be a good companion dog and pet and teach the lesson the most effective way parents always teach children--by example.

Edited by Idaho Cairns
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Okay I am going to guess Pug x Dachshund cross.  The ears and body type plus the coat can all come from a dachshund.  She is a cutie...enjoy her 

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Raise your expectations for what your Cairn can do....and try very hard to meet your Cairn's expectations of you.
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Thanks all for your kind words and great ideas!  Wow -  I think the border terrier idea is spot on.  The snubby nose, floppy ears - it makes sense.  A friend also suggested long-haired dachshund - which covers some of the bases too... 


And, yes, I've been incredibly lucky that she has a great temperament.  I was able to potty train her in about 2 months, and she's never snapped at anyone - canine or human.  She's not a big fan of men (likely she was mistreated by one in the past) and growls at first.  But as soon as she realizes mommy likes the houseguest, she's comfortable.  Really, the worst habit she has is dragging the patio pillows in from outside through her doggy door - but it's just so hilarious to watch her drag a pillow her size across the yard, and then stuff it face-first through the door... it's impossible to be angry!


I uploaded a few more Daphne pics.  Thanks all for your support and warm welcome!


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  • 4 weeks later...

The fur is very cairnish, the ears are not. The tail is the same as my babe and I think it's cairnish.  Sometimes they can  be curly, just how God made em.


Very adorable, I'd say about 40% cairn in there,the other breed, I don't know because I only know about cairns <3


Welcome to the forums, I accept you as a cairn member no matter what :)

Click to show the full size image!

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I don't know how I missed these most recent pictures. Goodness gracious, she is adorable. 

"as far as i am concerned cairns are the original spirit from which all terriers spring, and all terriers are cairns very deep down inside." pkcrossley

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She has a very sweet face. I'm glad she is enjoying her new home, and has made herself right at home with the outdoor/ now indoor pillows.

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