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Dempsy's Mom

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Yesterday morning they were saying on the news that dogs don't like hugs.  According to Dempsy and Elsie I would have to agree.  Dempsy tolerates me hugging him but always lets out one big "sigh" - "Ok, you can let go of me now." 

Elsie just wiggles.  She thinks she's going to wiggle her way out of my hugs.  Even though they don't get a lot of gratification, I do.  So they are stuck with my hugs and you have to have a kiss or two during a hug. ... for the rest of their lives.  :hug:

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Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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Those news stories are mostly baloney, in my opinion.  I don't care whether or not Buffy and Ziggy like hugs; they're going to get them, dammit!

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I can and do give some (but not all) of  our dogs a hug and smooch occasionally but as general practice I agree it's ill-advised and it would serve me right if I ended up looking like Frankenstein.

I suspect a fair number of facial bites of children lends some credence to the generalization.

On a terrier list I once read about a terrier breeder who, when having families over to "meet the breed" liked to give the children a stuffed dog and ask, "How would you show Stuffie you loved him?"  When the child inevitably hugged the dog she'd point out to the parents, "Take note of the dogs mouth and your child's face. If for any reason the dog decides 'enough is enough' what do you suppose is the worst that could happen?"

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Sassy will tolerate them at different times and others she just growls at me. She absolutely refuses to swap spit though. :P

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Sassy Jan 22, 2005



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Jock would give me the stink eye and a slight lift of the upper lip if I hugged him...Rosie just turns her face away in disgust.

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Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Idaho Cairns

One of each persuasion, Sammi seems to want and need hugging daily, she will come the recliner put her paws on my legs and lean in for a hug.  Bonnie allows scratches on the ears, back, both haunches, but don't you dare try to wrap her up--you will hear about it immediately.


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As far as I'm concerned, Ruffy loves hugs... He just won't admit it!....(That's my story and I'm stickin' to it)!?

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Ivy will tolerate a hug occasionally but would rather just roll; on her back and have a belly rub!  Holly would never let me hug her.

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Packy and Kirby both accept hugs.  Packy actually seems to like them (especially during thunder storms!) and he's always been a cuddler.  He also likes me to hold him and dance.  "Brick House" is a favorite, as is "Werewolves of London."

Kirby will take a hug but prefers them to not be face to face.  He likes it when I come up behind him and hug him as he lays on the back of the loveseat, then watch for squirrels together.  I get an occasional kiss on the face for this.  Other times, he wiggles because he's just too busy for a hug.

Both dogs accept hugs from other people, too, although they're happier about getting them from some people than others!  I'd say I feel the same way sometimes, too.

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Jandy and my Cairns, Kirby & Phinney 
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Pepper loves her hugs when I come home, but only for a minute, then she wants down.  She manages to give kisses at the same time...

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Pepper's Mom

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Tanner is mostly okay with hugs - I scoop him up all the time & he just kisses my cheek when I do so.  There are occasions where he has no desire to be held or hugged, in which case, I leave that choice to him.  Kiddos are advised to not hug him, simply because it's not worth the risk.

Becky & Tanner
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My little toddler cousin kneels and drapes herself on Nikki's back to hug him sometimes.  Nikki usually gives me an uncomfortable "this is awkward" look but he tolerates it. I've only seen hm growl about hugs if he thinks he's going to get picked up and he does not want to be picked up. He gets very nasty, snappy, and vocal about that because he has some tender spots on his body that inevitably get squeezed when he is picked up.  However once I have him cradled in my arms, he relaxes and lets me hug him and carry him to my bed, the car, the bathtub or wherever I plan on taking him.  My childhood husky and Westie let me hug them, too, although I recall them panting and avoiding eye contact while they endured it.  They did not like it.  


My daily cuddles with Nikk are a little more canine considerate.  I sit on the floor when Nikki asks me for attention and I scratch and rub him where he asks. Then I lean down to his level and lean my head against his cheek or neck. He can see me, and I'm not leaning over him or restraining him so I think he knows I'm just offering affection. He usually leans companionably against my shoulder while I lean into him. I love it. It's such a heart warming feeling.  He's already happy and mellow from my scratches so I can go ahead and hug him as much as I want, as long as he feels like he can get away.  I don't use the head boops and companionable snuggles unless I'm just relaxing with him.  I don't want him to associate anything negative with me being Dow at his face level.   I do try to suck up to him by scratching him before I do unpleasant things but I never lay down beside him before I do a nail clipping or tooth brushing or sanitary trim.  He fights me when I try to hold him for those things.   I end up with a whirlwind of claws and fur twisting and flailing all about and lots of exasperated panting. He may be a sweet mellow terrier but he is not a pushover. 

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Lola will usually let us hug her, and keeps still for about 30 seconds. Sometimes she gives me several kisses. I take this as, 'Okay, you got what you want. You can let me go now.'  The hugs are easier if one of my hands is rubbing her back or scratching her ears. At times I get the, 'Do we have to do this now?' look. Before bed, because she is now seven, she gets seven kisses with her hug. She usually gets bored by the fourth kiss, and feigns sleep. One night Nick said to her, 'You're lucky. I get 55. I also get bored half way in.' :huh::D


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Related: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/speaking-of-science/wp/2016/04/27/no-science-didnt-prove-that-dogs-hate-hugs/


According to numerous outlets, a scientific study has found that the majority of dogs dislike being hugged, based on cues of distress found in a random assortment of photos pulled from the Internet.

The problem here is that what's being reported as a "study" is, in fact, an op-ed written in the magazine Psychology Today by a single researcher.

"This is a set of casual observations," Stanley Coren, the retired University of British Columbia professor who penned the column, told The Post. He reiterated that his data collection wasn't part of a peer-reviewed study.


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Somewhat off topic...the psychologist, Stanley Coren, had a Cairn terrier named Flint. He wrote a book about him, called "Born to Bark".

Flint probably didn't like hugs!

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I was told about that book on this forum and read it - good book. :)  The lab hugging the little kid is cute.

Edited by Dempsy's Mom

Elsie, Max, Meeko & Lori


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The book Born to Bark was a great read!

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Idaho Cairns

Some of you remember our "Tickle Me Bonnie" video where Bonnie clearly vocalizes how much she likes to be handled.  Never did figure what this behavior was all about but then we don't often put her on her back and scratch her stomach--for obvious reasons.  Still, Sammi will roll over anytime for tummy rub but Bonnie...!!!!


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That's some set of choppers on your pooch... Beautiful, (but scary)?pearly whites!

As always, I loved your video?


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