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Finding a specific breeder?


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Is it against rules to request help finding a specific breeder?    Or can you point me in the right direction?      This week I had to put best friend down.       Long story short, I bought him for an old girlfriend in 2003, we broke up, and I kept the dog.    We were BFF for 13.5 years, and he was probably the best dog I've ever had.    He was AKC registered.   I don't have the original papers, and due to the fact I don't talk to the ex I'll never ask for them.   Is there any way to see if the original breaders are still breading cairns?

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I'd just like to add that when I picked him up the breeders said they kept health records of adopted pups to make sure there were no issues.   I'd also like to give them this information (if they are still breeders)

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Unfortunately referrals or endorsements of specific breeders is prohibited (for a variety of reasons) and this gets pretty close to that (I realize it is not *exactly* the same, but it's pretty much a "no breeder mentions" rule). 

It's perfectly OK to list registered names and registered names do usually indicate who the breeder was, at least for the serious breeders.  Also if you mention where you're located, if anyone on the forum knows of the likely breeder in your area they could pass that along. They would do this by personal message but not as a reply. You can browse a very limited list of breeders by state on the national club's breeder referral page: 

It may also be possible to reverse-engineer the original breeder of your dog if you know the registered name AND if the breeder was active showing dogs in any dog sport, or if other owners of their dogs are.  For example if the dog's name is Barksville's Barky McBarkerson, you might google for other dogs with "Barksville's" in the name. You may find a relative listed in dog show or agility trial or similar results and from there you can often find the name of the breeder of the dog listed. 

Good luck! And good for you for wanting to let the breeder know how their dog turned out. Most would be grateful for the update.


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Thanks.   Understood.    I read the rules and realized it was borderline.    I wanted to make sure before I posted any details.     My dog was registered with AKC as King George's Keaton.   I purchased him in Dec of 2003 in Alabama (there are no breeders listed there on the link you provided so maybe they moved or no longer breed cairns.)     I can't remember the exact location, but it was off US280 south of Birmingham.  I want to say it was near Childersburg or Sylacauga.   It was a couple maybe they were maybe around 40 at the time.   I think they had 2 dogs there that had puppies.


Any help would be appreciated via a PM.

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Thanks.     13.5 years is a long time.   We had our little routines that he had us trained to do.    Its going to take a while to get used to not having those in our daily lives.   In the end though, I have no regrets and wouldn't change a thing.

Edited by BGH00
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So don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but I think I can track down the city he came from and the breeder's phone number (from 2003.)   This was before everything was done on the internet.  I'm pretty sure we found him in a classified ad in The Birmingham News.    Next time I'm in Alabama, I'll swing by the Birmingham Library and see if they have the classified section in their microfilm copies of the Nov/Dec 2003 papers.   

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