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Can anyone identify


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post-687-1104606151_thumb.jpgThis is my year and a half old dog named Scout. I know he has some terrier in him, possibly cairn, and I believe some corgi as well. Can anyone help in determining what his mix is? Also can you tell me if he has a double coat or not? I'm not sure how to tell and I ask because I'd like to know how to groom him right. I've been bathing him and he's getting flaky, red skin in some areas. Not sure if it's because of what i'm doing or weather.

I also posted some other questions concerning him under the title "when to hand strip". Please take a look and help in any way you can.



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His eyes kind of remind me of a Shizh Tsu (sp?), he's adorable! I know several of us have had skin problems with our Cairns and some have been due to food allergies and some (like our Scully) is because of seasonal allergies. Your vet would be the best bet as far as advice on his skin.

Good luck!

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Thank you for your input, I never thought about a shizh tsu. I have seen a couple people mention it might be his food so I may look in to that. I've also heard that not being groomed can also be a factor but I'm not sure how to. I've heard clipping his coat can cause it to change and I don't want him to loose his rough fur but I'm not sure what else to do. I've tried some of the hand stripping techniques but it doens't seem to work. I also don't want to buy a undercoat brush if it's not right for him, any advice?



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I'm stumped. I'm not too good with deciphering mixes, though.

What I'd do with the coat if I were you would be to go to a dog show and spend the day looking at various breeds (in the grooming areas) and trying to find one who has the coat most similar to Scout's. Then I'd ask for a quick 'tour' of the grooming equipment or techniques appropriate to that most-similar breed. Many dog folk don't mind a few questions as long as they aren't 'in the zone' or getting close to ring time.

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You and me both! I'm not planning on breeding him or anything like that, just a pet, so it isnt' super important. As far as the coat goes though I had never thought about going to a dog show before, that is a very good idea. I've always watched them on TV... :) Thanks for the tip.

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I don't know about the breeds either, but he sure has beautiful brown eyes! I think I would consider changing his food. If I remember right, you are feeding him Ole Roy?? I would consider going to a natural dog food like Wellness, Canidae (this is what we feed our dogs), or Nutro....there are tons of foods to select from! Most of these don't have corn in them, which can cause allergies. I hope I'm not steering you wrong... :)

Oh, BTW, I have a Scout too! But mine's a SHE....LOL!

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I have never heard of those names of dog food but I will definetely take a look. The food I feed scout is not a name brand, just something he actually eats! He'd rather starve then eat some things, then of course he get's sick.. :sick:

Is there something that I should be looking for in particular in dog food, something terriers should have more of? Or in this case less of? I'm willing to try anything, it's so pitiful to watch him scratch! And yes I've checked for fleas.. :halo:

P.s. Scouts a good name, fits him well, he loves to "scout around" for new things to get in to! :devil:

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