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ZOOM Meet up


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Like a lot of us right now, I am "sheltering in place" and, as a result, have learned to use ZOOM, the videoconferencing app.  I think it would be really fun to set up a zoom meeting at some point with folks from CairnTalk.  We could set a convenient time, you could message me your email, and I would set up a "meeting" with any and all CairnTalkers who want to join in.  Meet and greet - fun stories - introductions - no complaints or politics.  

Is anyone interested?  Any preferences as to time of day, or day of the week? I would suggest in a week or two so that those who don't show up here regularly have time to see the option.

(By the way, when I do this I have to lock Oban out of the room.  He sees folks on the screen and is known to bark for their attention...No, Oban, treats do not come over the screen...)

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brilliant. it would probably be impossible for me to do this week or even early next week, but sometime after April 9 might work. 

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Count me in.

Husband Kirk did his first Zoom on Wednesday.

We are on West Coast and staying home... so meet up time open.

Cheers to all for setting this up!

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Well, I was just introduced to ZOOM.   Would love to participate.  Will message you my email.   Edit:  tried to do that, got a message about a full email box.  My email is public knowledge:  tara@shadowfirehosting.com.  Bless you for thinking of this!



Edited by tlwtheq
Added important information.

Max and Nelly

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I have been following this quite a bit. I've been impressed by their reactions and actions on nearly all identified issues, particularly when compared to cultural vampires like facebook and linkedin.

Having worked in enterprise software development (not as a coder but enmeshed in the process as a writer and manager) I'm not in the least surprised that a product and feature set and coding practices initially targeted at business buyers suddenly showed its unflattering underwear when it blew up in the public sphere with a scale and focus they never intended. Good for people for calling out issues they find; good for Zoom for addressing them. 

For our purposes, I see no serious issues. But I also understand that there is a continuum of concerns about everything (dogs included) and each person naturally find themselves at various points along those continuums based on their lived experiences, beliefs, values, and principles. 

Kathryn will post more about the logistics. Meantime, feel free to "join the club" for access to information about scheduled meetings — the club format is being used so that meeting IDs are not exposed to bots, etc. 


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CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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Today our Residents Assoc had an on line zoom training session on Zoom. Lucky timing!

But I did find instructions at: https://zoom.us/resources

Happy to find out that you can change the background with lots of choices from google or you own photos!



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A note about times on the Zoom Club calendar. (To view the calendar, join the club.)

The calendar shows events in *your local time* -- specifically, relative to what time *your browser*  thinks it is right now.  So for online-type events, the calendar will normally show the time appropriate for *you* even if the organizer is in a different time zone. For example the calendar on my computer shows the meetup at 9 AM Pacific for meeting created for 11 AM Central.


To view the calendar, join the club.

As with anything you may want to do a sanity check.   I have also been known to ask Siri or Dr Google  "What time is it in Minnesota?" when I occasionally forget what time zone they are :) .

I mention this because this "local time" feature of the calendar is great for online events across time zones but causes me some headaches when dealing with live *local* events in physical space and our out-of-state members :P



CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club | 2025 Calendar



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