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The day you saved Charlie from that horrible place was the first day of the rest of his life. I am a firm believer in Nurture over Nature. With all the love, safety and security your family will provide Charlie, I am confident he will have a long, happy and healthy life. A life he deserved from the beginning.

God Bless and Best Wishes for much happiness,


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I am so furious right now at this guy I don't even know what to say.

I am so glad that you rescued Charlie from this horrible place. He can't help that he was born into that environment.

At his age, I feel that he will come out of his shell once he realizes that he is now loved and that you have no intensions of ever smacking him upside the head again.

I would also cancel my check and gladly go to court to see justice done!

This man needs to be locked in a small cage and made to sit hungry, in his own poop and pee and smacked in the face a few times a day!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad:

Good luck with Charlie and please post pics as soon as you get the chance. We're all dying to see him!!!!!!!!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I got so carried away with my anger I didn't bother to go all the way to the end of the posts. Sorry!

He's such a cutie pie!!!!!!!!! Give him lots of hugs and kisses for us.

He's a lucky little guy to have a family that loves him.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Charlie looks just like Bruschi. How old is he? Bruschi's ears aren't up yet. sometimes they go up, but they take turns. His coloring is just like your pups though. I tried to post a pic here goes again...


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Good Morning, All!

We are on Day 2 of Life With Charlie and I am here to say that he is, so far, continuing to astound me.

How is the puppy doing? Frankly, as I have said, I am dumbfounded with this dog. I have raised two puppies and this third pup is unlike any I have ever seen. He doesn't make a sound in his kennel at night, went pee in the house ONCE and did this ON THE TRAINING PAD I LEFT OUT FOR HIM, and has since gone outside immediately, as if he knows already that this is what he supposed to do. It is unbelievable. My husband was a bit concerned that a small dog would bark constantly (and I know Cairns are known for this) but this pup has not barked EVEN ONCE. I am almost a bit concerned but I know he can "speak" because he sort of talks occasionally but I have yet to hear anything remotely close to a bark.

In short, I am completely and totally in love with this little guy and look at him as a gift from God. I really do. He has come out of his shell and is acting much more puppy-like. He is losing his extreme timidness and is beginning to take a liking to CHEWING! So, we have to watch him every minute but it is a small price to pay for how much laughter he has brought into this house already. I have read that Cairn Terriers are unlike any other dog and I am already inclined to agree. He is a comic. I love him. (Have I said this already? :-))

He is, at the moment, chasing the kids around the basement. "Mom," my daughter just said. "Can you please tell him to calm down?" Fat chance, huh? Too funny.

On a much more somber note, I have been doing some investigating on what constitutes cruelty to animals (I am in no way done investigating) and I am slowly coming to the awful conclusion that this breeder is probably breaking no laws. The animals are fed and watered. The barn they are kept in is heated. They are given shots and wormed. They do not appear outwardly sick, just very dirty, completely unsocialized, afraid of the human touch, and desperate to get out of their cages.

However, I can't help but wonder if he prepared for our arrival and this gives me a little hope that, perhaps, an unexpected visitor might see a different scenario (as if what I saw was not enough). When we first arrived and were looking for the breeder, we knocked on the door of a first barn and when the lady (who was pretty unfriendly) opened the door, the stench nearly bowled me over. We were not allowed in the barn. The out building we were eventually taken to was relatively cleaner and did not smell as overpowering so, as I said, I can't help but wonder if he cleaned it up some before we came. I don't know. I just don't know. Stupid laws, stupid government regulations, stupid humans that treat animals as if they were a commodity. I am afraid that this man will be allowed to continue to run this kennel. It makes me sick.

At any rate, I have checked a few links out but was unable to find anybody locally. I'm going to call the local humane society today and see if they can give me more information.

Sorry for the long post. And thanks again to all for your kind posts and support. I am so happy to have found this board.

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I'm so happy little Charlie is doing so well.

Keep at the investigating. Laws in different states pertaining to cruelty and abuse are quite variable. I feel like you do that even though an animal has food, water and some kind of shelter, if he's filthy or ignored it should constitute neglect.

I've called our animal control officer several times because of dogs in neighboring areas that were living in unsuitable conditions. In one case the owners, who had a home in the $300,000 range, kept their gorgeous German Shephard in a small pen 24/7. What upset me most was he had no shelter/house/water dish and the temp. was consistantly in the teens. I'd see this dog at least 4X a day going back and forth to work. It broke my heart and so several of us got together and put in a complaint. Unfortunately all the owners had to do by law was put a dog house in the pen which they did but whether or not it had any blankets in it wasn't mandatory.

Here in CT there are pushing for a law that would restrict any dog from being teethered 24 hours a day. More laws are needed to protect animals and people like us need to be diligent in "speaking" for them when we see conditions that are unacceptable.

I'm also sorry for the long post....this entire subject matter is very emotional for me as it is for so many others.

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SO GLAD you now have Charlie in your life, and what a cutie he is! I hope that he begins to act out the cairn within him and you learn how much fun these guys really are -- even if it means he starts to bark! You are about to learn -- "Once a cairn owner, always a cairn owner!"

On another note, it is difficult for puppy mills -- just because of what they are -- to keep within the laws all of the time. My suggestion is to report once -- to report twice -- to involve your neighbors -- and to stay on them. With that many puippies, it's almost impossible to meet even their basic needs all the time. The stench you reported should be enough to get them in trouble, if not to close them down. With enough trouble, they might reconsider their line of business. I am a firm believer in causing trouble when it provokes change. Go get 'em. :mad:

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I am so glad that Charlie seems to be doing so well. I was ROTFLMAO @ your daughter wanting him to calm down. Tell her "It's NOT gonna happen!" - :D

He must be the happiest puppy in the world right now, thanks to you.

I would start with the Humane Society like you are doing with a lot of emphasis on his "discipline" methods; our TV stations around here are very much into consumer complaints so perhaps that would be an avenue. How about the Board of Health?

Give Charlie a hug from Scully and her mom, okay?

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Tribo64, congradulations on your puppy! Charlie is a real cutiepie and I am so glad that there are people like you who will not only save one dog, but also do their best to shut down these horrible places.

One thing you might try is writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. This may help grab the attention of some government officials or others who have been to the same puppy farm. Also, some newspapers (or television and radio stations) have investigative reporters who are just itching to get a good story. They usually take their ideas from public complaints and may be willing to help with your cause.

Another suggestion is to find out when your local municipality (or the municipality where the puppy farm was) holds its annual meetings. Small municipalities like bouroughs and townships usually hold these meetings once a month. At these meetings there is a time for "public comment" when anyone can stand in front of the board to make a complaint or comment about any issue in the community. These complaints are recorded by the secretary and go in the public record. In most places, these statements are informal and do not need to be pre-approved by the government board. I'd also suggest following up on any complaint you make by calling your local municipality's office.

Good luck and have fun with Charile!

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A not-so-good update on my Puppy Farm investigation.

I sent off two e-mails requesting assistance from two different agencies a few days ago and have yet to receive a response. I just got off the phone with the local Humane Society and have worked myself up into a tizzy because she was immediately familiar with the "kennel's" name, has said that it has been reported many, many times and that so far there is nothing that they have been able to do to shut this man down. She gave me a telephone number to call to officially report the farm (and indicated that they would probably be very familiar with the "kennel's" name, as well), shared my frustration, and wished me good luck.

I am so frustrated. Why on earth can't this man be shut down? Why are there no laws against keeping a dog to breed in a cage and never letting her little paws TOUCH GRASS or RUN IN WATER or CHASE A FRISBEE!!!?!?!?!?!

I'm at work and getting emotional. Will update you again after I place the call and issue a formal complaint.

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I was talking to my husband about this today after work. I mentioned the part about this man telling your husband about how he would have to charge tax if your husband wrote a check for the puppy. I'd also report that to the Department of Tax/Licensing. I think they'd be very interested in that fact.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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The only way to change the laws is to contact your congressmen and state representatives and ask them to pass legislation for tougher laws regarding dog breeding. The USDA is the final authority right now and their standards are very low. I'm sure this breeder just barely passes their standards. It's very sad.


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If you can't get anywhere with the agencies that deal with neglect or animal welfare issues, then maybe it's time to get someone from another branch of government to look into his records...the IRS, zoning, business, does your state require a license to operate a kennel?

This is what CT laws read as far as kennels go:

B) The commissioner, the Chief Animal Control Officer or any state animal control officer may at any time inspect any kennel including all facilities of any kennel in which dogs are bred or housed or cause it to be inspected by a Connecticut licensed veterinarian appointed by the commissioner. If, in the judgment of the commissioner, such kennel is not being maintained in good repair and in a sanitary and humane manner or if the commissioner finds that communicable or infectious disease or other unsatisfactory conditions exist in the kennel, he may issue such orders as he deems necessary for the correction of such conditions and may quarantine the premises and animals. If the owner or keeper of such kennel fails to comply with such orders, the commissioner shall revoke or suspend the kennel license of such owner or keeper.
a) No person shall maintain a commercial kennel until he has obtained from the commissioner a license to maintain such kennel under such regulations as the commissioner provides as to sanitation, disease and humane treatment of dogs or cats and the protection of the public safety.
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That was terrible. I couldn't believe what I read. But, I'm glad that Charlie is doing well and adapting great. (He is super-adorable). I wish you luck on your pursuit of the "evil" kennel. I hope that Charlie grows up healthy and happy (I'm sure he already is).


Enya's Mommy


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