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Introducing myself, and Tiki Bob


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Tiki Bob is so handsome and cute. Looks like he will win all the ladies hearts. :!:

He will not be a couch potato for long :devil:


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Tiki Bob is adorable!! Welcome, we're fairly new too. We've learned so much from all these nice folks.

P.S. Greg & I met in a club too. It's not so bad - 23+ years!! We should have named our Cairn "Scooter".

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Guest Darcy's mom

Welcome Tiki Bob and Jeff. Please believe me when I say HE WILL NOT BE A COUCH POTATO so enjoy these quite times while you have them. Also, from the Cairn "bible" this famous phrase. . ."I will not be ignored". That's the cairn motto and it is so true. These little darlings will steal your heart before you even realize what's going on. How old is he? Maybe you posted his age and I overlooked it in my excitement of the pics you posted. He is a real beauty (can boy dogs be referred to that way?) and has a really handsome face. Can't wait to see how he grows.

BTW, I met my husband in a club also - and after 27 years we're still together. So much for that "club" myth. It really gives us good folks a bad name.


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If Tiki's gonna watch American Idol please teach him to at least growl at Simon, k? :D

He is so absolutely adorable.

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I can't see Tiki Bob's picture :( ! All I see is a box with a red x and user posted image. I WANT TO SEE TIKI BOB! By the way, I love American Idol and Duffy hates Simon.


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I can't see Tiki Bob's picture  :( !  All I see is a box with a red x and user posted image. 


Hrms...not sure why you can't see the pics..maybe you have some sort of software installed that blocks certain sites? Maybe my place I store my webpage stuff on is on some list it uses or something... don't know :confused:

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Maybe I can see the next pics. Anyway, welcome Jeff and Tiki Bob! I'm sure that you will enjoy being part of this Forum. A great bunch of folks who obviously love and cherish their Cairns and the other breeds of dogs they own.


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You HAVE  to post the picture of Tiki coming face to face with the cat.....so precious!!!


Well..by popular (well, if 1 person is popular) demand....Here it is:


My cats are both doing SUPRISINGLY well with Tiki Bob. I mean they're not cuddling or anything, but they don't seem too intimidated, and aren't hiding or hissing or anything. It kind of suprised me, because one of my cats has been known to hiss and get really freaked out by other animals, and he sorta just ignores Tiki.

and..just to add another pic, I really like this one:


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OMG!!! I just wanna' reach thru the screen and pull that cutie pie into my arms and kiss him all over. He's adorable!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy these quiet times. I envy you. Since the moment I brought Gidget home I haven't had a moments peace. I'm even lucky I can still use my keyboard as she has at some moment snuck in and chewed on the keyboard cord. AAAHHHHH!

They're :devil: in little :halo: bodies.

Enjoy him and welcome aboard!!!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Tiki Bob is ridiculously adorable! I love the picture with the cat. I see Tiki Bob is wearing his leash in the house...is that so you can catch him?? When my Liddy was a puppy she wore her leash in the house because she was otherwise impossible to catch!

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Guest pjoes_girl

How cute he is, and so tiny! mine was almost 4 months when i got him so he never was that lil for us, but so cute! Yes you are in for a ride! but hey, it's worth it! Everytime i look at my toby, I want to eat him up! I like tiki's name too, we couldn't come up with anything original... he isn't really even officially name, we just slung the nomer Toby on him for lack of anything better. He answers to it now so.. i guess that's it!

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I'm at work and I have a crowd around me looking at Tiki Bob. SO many oohs and aahs. He is so absolutely adorable! You need to get a picture of him next to a Pina Colada or something like that with an umbrella in it. It SO fits his name.

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Just a word of advice about Cairn puppies and kitties...I saw that same stance so many times when Petey was a wee doggie. They just want to play, but to Petey "play" means I will chase you and then you can chase me. However, Kitty doesn't get past that first part. Petey will chase her, but he frightens her now because he is twice as big as she is. So, keep an eye out that he doesn't bully kitty too much. Poor kitty, I hope you like to play.....

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What a doll! I NEED a puppy fix. However with two cairns and two cats I guess not (for now). The dogs and cats get along famously. The cats were adults and trained my dogs up the right way. Now they all take advantage of us.

And as for meeting in clubs - well my husband and I met in a bar 23 years ago and have been married for 22 years. I guess it can't be all bad.

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  • 1 month later...


Just a quick update since I don't post here nearly as often as I should, although I read every thread looking for info and such.

Tiki Bob is doing well, he's getting big so quickly!

When he wants to, he does awesome on a leash..we took him on a 2 mile walk last weekend and he did awesome..even met some other dogs and licked them, because that's what he does with other dogs...he's not sure what else to do :confused:

He, of course, gets into some trouble occasionally, but that's to be expected....

And as of today, he got his own official website: www.tiki-bob.com !

I try and update the site semi-often but have been slacking lately...

The last 5 pictures are so are from yesterday so pretty recent, any before that are at least a couple weeks old :whistle:

And, just to make this post colorful, here's my favorite picture from the batch :)

Oh and thanks to everybody who posts on here, because even though I don't say much on the board, I learn so much from reading everybody else's posts :)

Here is Tiki Bob running at the camera at full speed :)


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