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See Why I'm Jealous?


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Oh, these toys look so familiar. I don't know if Banjo has any left with stuffing in them! It's amazing how fast he can unstuff them! He has one he hasn't taken apart yet though. It's called "The Terrible Nasty Scaries - an ultimate revenge toy for your dog." He just loves to fling it around. Here's the link. I got Banjo the "Mad" kitty.


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Guest girliejr
I feel for you!!!  I have a whole shelf of bears that I collect and I am waiting for the day when one of my little ones decides to even think of playing with them.  Some things are just off limits -- even to cairns :mad:


I'm glad my bear collection is in a curio cabinet! Jack has destroyed many of stuffed toys, but he can't get to those! :D

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Don't you worry about your cairns eating the stuffing or choking on the squeaker of these plush toys? We don't even give Allie tennis balls anymore because she can tear/eat the cover off it in less than ten minutes if we let her. Hard rubber toys and certain squeaky balls she will leave alone...

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Guest girliejr
Don't you worry about your cairns eating the stuffing or choking on the squeaker of these plush toys? 


I have given up trying to stop him! It is next to impossible to stop a cairn from doing something they reallly want to do. I don't buy the plush toys anymore, but my roommates Maltese still has a few that Jack manages to find from time to time. My roommate has learned to put Chloe's toys away unless she wants to have to keep replenishing them! :P Jack almost had to have surgery once from eating a nut out in the yard! Luckily, we didn't have to have the surgery and he is fine. The dog will eat anything and so far, the nut proved to be much more dangerous than all the stuffing he has ingested over the years! :lol:

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Don't you worry about your cairns eating the stuffing or choking on the squeaker of these plush toys?

I'd have to say I'm not worried because she's doesn't have toys unless we're in the room with her. She's always in sight if she's not asleep in her bed.

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