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fun with cairn pictures

Toto times 2

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These are sooo hilarious!!! I have had so much fun playing them!!

Kayharley, I can just imagine if Elliott really did send one to your boss!!! That is too funny!!


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Kay, I enter my email address on the very first page to start making the card. After you go through everything to make the card (I send it to myself at my email address) - it will give you a page that you can bookmark. You will see a link on that page, just highlight it and copy and paste it into your post here. You don't even to wait until it gets to your email addy. Hope that helps.

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Oh my gosh, I am totally cracking up here. Aren't these just so cute??

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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OMG, Elliott and Tucker were so funny!!!!!! This has been the highlight of my week. And the Sock Monster is just adorable. It looked like he had a really long tongue... :D

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Whoever started this........thank you!! I just sent a bunch of them out to family members that we don't get to see too often (and we'll probably never see them again) :lol:

This is the most fun I've had in awhile...that says alot, eh?

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I spent about an hour and a half yesterday making and sending them to friends and family too. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who amuses easily. :P

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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Guest mrskti

I dont even have my dogs yet, but I've used a pic of the neighboor dog to make one!!!! I emailed it to them, and he chased my car down the road (the human, not the dog!) to tell me he got it!!! He was cracking up!!!! I love it!!!

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I think we need to giv Toto Times2 a HIGH FIVE for finding that site. I think it's made everyone's week. I'm STILL making them..LOL!

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Sorry I just was able to catch up here yesterday and today, up until yesterday my whole life was taken up by my final project for the quarter, So now I have been catching up on the topics. I had Toto neutered yesterday so I made a card for the occasion, these are just too cute and fun Thanks TotoTimes2! - Darsey


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Oh Brad...you just have to make us stop. I am getting absolutely nothing done around here except watching these "videos" and LMAO.

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I nearly fell out of my chair with those last two!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I finally made a "human" one for someone at work using a picture of a Sports Illustrated model. The dogs are funnier.

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