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I love my new cairn


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They didn't use collars on Ghillie or Smokey. I don;t think they could reach their incisions. Ghillie was a bit subdued for the first day and slept curled up to me for the day but after that demon dog was on the loose.

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Jan, have you picked up Abby already? My husband is picking up Alfie as we 'speak' and the vet told me he was doing fine. It's good to hear that he may not be wearing that collar thingy. At least we have a few days of rest before the tazmanian devil personality comes back to life. By the way, the day before we brought him for his surgery, he was already making the large stuffed Pikachu his 'girlfriend' if you know what I mean. Now my son can't even look at the Pikachu without visualizing what he witnessed. ;-)

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Yeah, my children went EEWWW when they saw what he was doing!

UPDATE - my husband said it's like nothing was done to Alfie. He is his old self. The vet said it will take 3 weeks before the hormones go down...so he will still be doing it with Pikachu for the next 3 weeks!!!!!

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We were lucky - we got to pick Abby up yesterday evening. She is doing great!! She is moving just a little slower than usual, but if she wants to she can already pick up the pace!! She jumped up in one of the chairs last night and also ran up the steps before anyone could catch her!! She was up to some old tricks of stealing tissues and paper towels and making off with them and shredding them!!!

This was all last night after she had just been home a few hours!! We are having to watch because she is wanting to lick on her stitches sometimes. She doesn't have one of those collars either, but they told us we could come and get one if the licking became a problem. I just hate to see her wear one of those, so we're just watching her closely!!

I bet you can't wait to get Alfie home!! Let us know how everything is going. Aren't you glad to get that over with?!! Give him a big hug from Abby and I!!

The Pikachu story was too funny!! I'm still laughing about that!!!!!


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And I will definitely give him lots of hugs from Abby and you! I called home and he is really back to his old self, still urine marking outside the house, jumping up the couch, etc. I'll observe if he'll still do the Pikachu thing.


PS- Good to hear that Abby is doing well. My husband said Alfie is licking his stitches so we might have to do the e-collar.

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Anna, welcome, and congratulations!!!! My Brodie, does the "dead dog act" and also, the "I'm invisable -you can't see me" act. When he knows I am getting ready to leave for work, he runs and hides under the dinner table and is totally still an d quiet. Will not come out, incase I might put him in his pen. soooo cute! They are so great! Clowns is the perfect word :-) ENJOY!!!!

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Awwww!! Alfie, you are so handsome! Those are both great pictures that really capture his Cairn look. Watch out Jude Law!!

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He's such a cutie, his name fits him so well! He's the exact color that I think I will look for if or more like when I get another. (I'm torn between that blond look and the short dark and handsome look.) - Darsey

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Isn't he a cutie pie? That's his favorite pastime - looking out the window waiting for something to bark at. Usually it's a bigger dog. He doesn't care to bark at the smaller dogs. I love his wheaten color but I can tell that he'll dramatically turn dark - he has strands of black hair here and there all over his body. But he'll be the same Alfie underneath that hair!!! :wub:

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the "I'm invisable -you can't see me" act.  When he knows I am getting ready to leave for work, he runs and hides under the dinner table and is totally still an d quiet. 


LOL Alfie does this when he knows we'll be examining him for ticks and fleas!

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