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4 hours ago, Dogcoat lady said:

Thank you for all the wonderful pictures.  Merry Christmas to you and yours.  The gift of life with a Cairn is all I need for Christmas.

So true!

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On 1/17/2024 at 7:34 AM, anniegirl said:

theres the look...like hey..cant you see? I need a bigger stool..

yeah. and "throw a couple vermin out there while you're at it, please!"

Click to show the full size image!

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  • 3 months later...

Hi to all

Its been a wee while since ive posted so a quick hello, hoping everyone is well.

Ghillie is growing up fast and living life to the fullest.

Here in Scotland we are begining to leave the winter behind us. Although winter can be nice here, It will be nice to have sunnier days and more daylight.

Take it easy everyone









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It’s wonderful to share all the new photos.  Quite an expressive lad, the grin, especially.  He’s a charming pup.

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1 minute ago, Dogcoat lady said:

It’s wonderful to share all the new photos.  Quite an expressive lad, the grin, especially.  He’s a charming pup.

Likely grinning because he knows he has us exactly where he wants us.

Talk about being wrapped around his little paw

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How lucky are we all to have these little creatures in our lives. Enjoy!

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  • 4 weeks later...

When old habits die hard and Ghillie still chooses the small stool......settling for 3 out of 4 legs today


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Ghillie has a tendency to pop up at every opportunity.....take notice of meeeeeeeee




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And at a local show.....we werent going to show but cairns are in serious decline here so getting the breed back into the public eye.....still our much loved companion first and foremost though.

Still a wee poser




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Cool beans!  I mean he is such a charming chap.  So proud he represents this great breed.

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  • 1 month later...

Taking in the Scottish air on one of the many walks he gets.

Of to the groomers today for a tidy up...we are lucky to have someone who has the time and patience to do hand stripping.

Ive tried to upload a video showing one of Ghillies first loves...balls, and the more the merrier....apologies if video doesnt show

Hoping everyone is well and hearty




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Enjoyed the video of Ghillie  going after all those balls. Our cairn is a ball lover as well.

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Thanks for the wonderful photo's and video! Ghillie is quite a handsome fella!

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Ghillie has met these cows loads of times before and they have become great friends...the cows will actively follow us as we pass the field and arent in the slightest bothered about ghillies antics... and ghillie is always eager to entertain when theres an audience.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Dog tired days

Not sure where Cairn ends and sheepskin rug begins lol



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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

No idea what this is about but he wasnt impressed i was recording...when i caught him, he took of doing zoomies around garden.

Dogs, youve got to love them


Edited by Scottish0177
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