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The Giggles (toys)


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Good news! I broke down this evening and went and got Gidget a Giggler Ball. She loves it! Hasn't stopped playing with it since I got home.

She's not growling at it....but she is growling at her sister Greta when she gets too close to "her" ball. :lol: I've already got Gidgie slobbers on my fingers when she brought it to me to throw for her.

She jumped so high to try to get it she fell on her side, got back up and ran frantically to catch it.

What fun these things are!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Carolina is not into toys at all but her sis Lindy, (whom we are dogsitting this week) is and just a few minutes ago she started playing with her duck toy and it is a Wiggly Giggly! ( didn't know what you all were talking about until now!)

It's a fabric duck with velcro and inside is the plastic ball. Lindy picks it up by the bill or wings and tries to shake it. Lindy shakes her toys. Does anyone else's dog shake their toys? Carolina could care less. :whistle: They sure have different personalities!

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Scout shakes her toys all the time! Finch does it every once in awhile. 2 Christmas's ago, Scout was in the family room shaking her "duck". It was a soft toy that had a sweaker in it. Scout loves this duck and carries it around by the little feet. When we throw the duck, Scout will run and catch it and then tries to find the little feet to carry it back with...lol! Anywhoo....she was in the family room, shaking her duck. She let go of the duck and it went flying through the air and hit the Christmas tree....causing a few glass ornaments to come crashing to the ground!

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Oh yeah ... whole lot of shakin' goin on around here. I think two hilarious situations are when a dog is shaking a rope or other floppy toy and the loose ends of it are whacking him/her on the head (they don't seem to care!) - and when Stella shakes a ball. A ball? Killing a ball?

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Duck toys - any links for good duck toys? My pup loves his duck toy, but it is falling apart - I would love to find another dog toy for him. And he shakes them like mad, then proceeds to rip out the squeaker and stuffing. What do y'all do when they swallow and gag on the stuffing??

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I remember that toy well. We bought that for our pup when we first brought him home - had to get rid of it as that was the first thing he, ummm, became very intimate with, which led us to him getting neutered at 4 months! He really loved that toy, but the vet suggested removing anything that would induce some behaviours. :huh:

- Mp

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We had that too when Scully came home! It was the first thing in her toy basket that she climed in and pulled out. I have pictures of that little bugger lugging that around.

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Milopup, I was just at Petsmart today and looked for the duck, but they don't have it anymore. I DID find a really cool soccer ball that had roping at each end with a little loop. Finch LOVES to chase a ball around but she is constanly running it into our flower bed, where the plants are just beginning to come up. I attached the ball to the lead out we have and she had alot of fun running the ball around and I loved the fact that the ball can only go so far!

I also bought a fabric frisbee, which is sooooo much better than the hard ones! I can actually throw the cloth one..lol! AND it didn't crack! Here is what our frisbee looked like after just a few times out. We played with it until it was only 1/2 there...Finch didn't care..as long as I could still throw it!


Can you see the cracks on the left side??

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I love her gorgeous brindle colors. I would love to post a picture of Bosco playing with his giggler but I don't know how. :( He is a wheaten brindle with silver highlights and dark ear points and muzzle.

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Apollo has a giggle ball and he could care less about it. He is more interested in regulation size soccer and basketballs.



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