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Collar recommendation


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another vote for sporn...... :)

Tabitha was a terrible puller on walks with a regular harness. It got to the point that i probably hadn't really walked her in a few years. We just played tennis ball for exercise. Now that I have a second Cairn, I needed the walks for the girls. Especially at night for them to wind down.

The first day of walking Tabitha on the sporn i could notice a difference. She tends to pull for a few minutes, but then settles down to a nice fast walk. I also got the leash that connects the girls together. That was also a life saver. Now they walk side by side and I'm not twisted up in 2 different leashes. Now I walk the girls every night just before bedtime.

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After 5 months of using the Sporn, here are some things you have to watch out for, if this is what you're planning to buy:

1. The restraint that tightens or loosens the fit always comes loose. We have to tie a knot on the cord for the restraint to stay. When it's loose, the sleeves come off easily.

2. Alfie had developed some scarring underneath his "armpits" -- from chasing after rabbits, etc. while we're walking :P

3. I noticed a dent on his coat on the backside where the collar sits

4. My husband thought that at the time the collar came off (and Alfie escaped), it was because it was wet (he was just swimming). I think the sleeves came loose also.

I will still use this over the regular collar. I've been seeing other dogs with other halters and they also look as good and comfortable.

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