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We recently lost our dog after 12 awesome years.  We're looking for a new family member and have been interested in the Cairn Terrier breed.  We're are looking for reputable breeder.  It's been awhile since we've been through this process and I'm looking for any good recommendation in the MA/NH/RI areas.  Please PM me with any recommendations! 




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Hello and welcome. Sorry about having to say goodbye. PM for sure in the case of specific breeders; for general strategy sometimes following a chain of recommendations from one of the member breeders of the national club can get you onto a fruitful path.


My observation is that it is rare for an inquiry "Cairns, got one?" leads directly to "Sure, stop by at 4:00" :) but more often an inquiry with some follow-up, brainstorming, friends of friends referrals etc. will be eventually get your interest in front of enough people that someone can help make a final connection when placement availability lines up with a good match. It can take patience and persistence.

As a previous Cairn owner you have an advantage. If you can, try and attend some dog shows in your area and meet the Cairn folk exhibiting and chat with them. It can start some threads that may eventually weave into a wiggly butt. 

Good luck! It's always been worth the effort for us.

  • Agree 1

CAIRNTALK: Questions? Need help? → Support Forum Please do not use PMs for tech support
CRCTC: Columbia River Cairn Terrier Club 



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