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question on walking

Otis’s Mom

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Good morning,

Otis and I have been walking 3 to 4 miles total six days a week weather permitting for the last 6 1/2 years♥️obviously it is hot in Massachusetts so I do not have him walk like that. I noticed as he has gotten older this year; He is 7 1/2♥️ he doesn’t have the spunk or energy it seems to like his walks anymore,  even weather permitting . He does really good when I take him out on his pee breaks and maybe walk around my townhouse complex which is all of 10 minutes so I have been leaving him at home while I do my 3 to 4 miles taking him out before hand. I always bring his water bowl and freshwater and a little case with his treats and his he always has mushers  on his paws for the pavement. so I know it’s none of the above. Could it be that he’s just slowing down? I don’t wanna push him too far out of his comfort zone suggestions are comments are welcomed🙏


Edited by Otis’s Mom
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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like he is slowing down a bit. Maybe you can take him for a mile walk and then rest at home while you continue on your walk? 

Finch loved to walk long distances with me also, but she started slowing down when she was older. I don't remember how old she was. I started taking her on walks with a baby stroller. The stroller was the kind that had a car seat that could be taken out and used in both the car and in the stroller. Without the car seat, unit had a "shell" with a netting around it. I put a few soft towels on the bottom and when Finch became tired, I would pick her up and put her in the stroller. She loved looking out and over the years she spent more and more time in the stroller. 

Hopefully that makes sense. I'll see if I can find a pic of the stroller. I was able to find it on FaceBook for free.

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Found it! Sorry the pic is not the best, but it gives you an idea of what the shell looks like.


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  • 2 months later...

oh my goodness adorable. Yeah he seems to hate any kind of noise though with big trucks and he’s not comfortable walking. I do manage to walk him every other day but I think that’s gonna be an effort now so I’m going to stay around my home area and do short walks with him thank you.!

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