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Aziraphale: a Cairn and then some

Aziraphale and Kathy

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Hi! I recently adopted a lovely, 13-month-old, mixed dog from the shelter which we named Aziraphale, and somehow when his registration came in the mail, this 30-pound, droopy eared angel was identified as a Cairn terrier.

After doing some digging I realized the following features did fit the breed:

1. The hair, wirey but soft underneath, lovely when brushed, and shedding absolutely everywhere, in light apricot,

2. The stance, particularly of his front paws, which resemble a ballet first position, but also how he is built long and low, although twice as large as a full-bred cairn,

3. The ease of housebreaking but difficulty in any other kind of training, as he wants to cooperate but has his own priorities,

4. His acceptance of people, selective acceptance of other dogs, and hunter’s instincts when it comes to lizards and squirrels.

I have avoided introducing this hunter to our cats and wondered if any of you have any experience to share regarding how or whether your Cairn got along with a cat, or at least tolerated it.




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I have had Cairns and cats for decades.  Ultimately, it all gets sorted out.  Yours might take some monitoring, because of the size difference.  Keep an eye on both to avert a big problem, staying out of the discussion as much as safety allows.  Let the cat know it has an “out” and short periods of time for introductions.

Take your time.

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I think with any terrier that you are not familiar with, and do not have history with, it is wise to introduce the cat very slowly. I know my two terriers would not tolerate a cat in their house or property and it would come to a bad ending. 

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

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