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Bonnie Prince Charlie and Johnny Scottie


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Hello, all, I know I haven't posted in a long while, but wanted to let you know I lost my last terrier yesterday, my 12.5 year old Scottie.  It was just five days short of two months after his Uncle Charlie Cairn, who we adopted in February of '21 from the HS in Salem, OR, went to sleep one Sunday night and did not wake up Monday morning.  Just one year ago this month we lost our Manchester, Max, who we adopted from the shelter in Eugene in Feb. 2020.  So my three Amigos are all together again.  Max was somewhere between 15 and 18 (picked up as a stray), Charlie was 16.5, and Johnny, the "kid" was lost at 12.5 to liver cancer.  I have a very horrifically quiet house right now.  Anyway, thank you all for welcoming me and my boys a few years ago, and I wish you all many more years of love with your wonderful Cairn Terriers, Cinder and Charlie have given this Scottie Mom a fierce appreciation for this "cousin" breed.

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Oh my, I am so, so sorry for your losses. You will always have a terrier heart and many fun memories of your three amigos.



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Although the house is too quiet I hope the memories are raucous, joyful, and many. Peggy and I are thinking of you with appreciation for the terrier light you have always shone. Many fond memories that last a lifetime. 

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Thank you, Dogcoat Lady and BradL.  I'd race to adopt another dog, but I'm getting to the age that makes me worry about leaving a pet behind if something were to happen to me, so I really stop myself and think long and hard before taking such a step.

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My heart goes out to you . Our Scottie Rosie is 12yrs old and I treasure everyday with her.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of  one's soul remains unawakened.  - Anatole France

Adventures with Sam &Rosie


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Thank you, Sam I Am.   I hope your Rosie is with you many more years!

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