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Dog Pees

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I need help and I don’t know what to do anymore. My dog has started for about 2 weeks now peeing in her kennel when we start to put her leash on her. She has never done this and we have no idea what has started it. she stopped doing it for about 2 days and now has started again. anyone have any advice on how to fix this?

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Hi and welcome.

This sounds like it might be submissive urination. If so, it's more of a confidence issue than a housebreaking issue. Generally it just gets better over time as the pup (if it is a puppy) matures and gains confidence in the world.

*Very* common triggers for submissive peeing includes things like

  • owner returns after an absence ( "I got so excited I wet my pants!")
  • meeting a stranger
  • leaning over the dog (I suspect putting on a leash is similar to this)
  • sudden frights
  • anything that triggers excitement

Our boy Elroy did it frequently when he first came to us. It gradually decreased from a small puddle to a few drops. Today he is four and might still leak a drop or two when wiggling and wagging and excitedly meeting a new person. We've also had a few puppies over the years who went through a phase of submissive peeing. Generally as they get older and more confident in the world it resolves more or less on its own.

Things we've found that help include anything that lowers excitement. For example when we came home rather than greet the puppy we'd simply ignore it, or just sort of say "Oh Hi" and continue to put away our stuff, move about the house etc. After a while when we've moved out of the "coming home" phase and are in the "just another day at home" phase we might greet the puppy with a wee pat if s/he comes over for some attention. By letting the puppy be in control of the interaction they seem to feel less intimidated. 

Some dogs have "hard" personalities and they can be little terrors who fear nothing and who's first instinct is to leap headfirst into any fray. Other dogs are softer — they tend to be gentler in nature, more deferential on average. They can still be fully wild as puppies, don't get me wrong; they are just, as the term implies, more submissive. Elroy is a soft dog and possibly the sweetest dog I have ever known. Wouldn't trade him for the world.

Some things to try with your pup might be to let her out of the crate before putting on the leash, or even just laying the leash on the ground and letting her be used to it for a few minutes and finding a way to put it on her in the least threatening way you can think of. Sometimes a slip leash that doesn't use a clip to the collar can be less threatening as you can make a big loop and sort of drape it like a big lasso  over her head without getting hands super close. 

Another method than can be handy for many situations might possibly work for this one: use a stick of string cheese in one hand to distract her and while he's busily nibbling her treat gently attach the leash.

Another approach is to stock up on Nature's Miracle and just wait for her to grow out of it. Basically ignore that it even happened — definitely DO NOT make a fuss about it — clean up, move on, and let time take care of it.

Final thought: If your dog is a puppy — and particularly a very young puppy — it is typical for them to go through brief "fear periods" where they are frightened or startle easily. That can be why they're tearing the house up one week and the next they might be hiding from the vacuum or freaking out at a sudden noise — or approaching hands coming at their head.

Good luck!

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