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Pitbull Incident


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Today, after Harley did his business, I decided to walk towards our mailbox to check the mail. Our mailbox is across the street in the neighbors yard. Harley was on a leash so he follwed me of course. Well the neighbors Pitbul came running towards us full speed, growling like he was going to kill Harley. Harley started backing up and tried hiding behind my legs. He started whimpering. This Pitbull then snapped at Harley and almost bit him :shock::mad: The owner of this dog was outside and laughing :shock: I was so upset. This dog could have swallowed Harley whole. I told the lady that from now on she shouldn't let her pitbull just roam around the neighborhood like that because he seems to have a problem with other dogs. She said "well you are on "his" land so I'm glad that he acted the way he did, he's just protecting his territory". :shock:

If I can't go check my mail without me or my dog being eaten alive, then something is wrong :mad:

This dog followed me and harley all the way back to my front door, growling and snapping at us the whole time :mad:

I'm going to be nervous now everytime I take Harley in my front yard. Am I over-reacting?? :confused:

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If I can't go check my mail without me or my dog being eaten alive, then something is wrong :mad:

You got that right. Make a note on a 3x5 card or pocket spiral notebook (time/date/what) and keep it handy. Use it to document each time you see the dog off-lead out of its yard, and each time the dog menaces you or others. Contact animal control to ask what your options are, and what the animal restraint rules are in your community. Your mailbox is unlikely to be in a location that you could not be expected to have free and unfettered access to, and that includes freedom from being menaced by unrestrained dogs.

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That story scares me silly. I walk both dogs at the same time, and it is really hard to deal with an aggressive dog and two leashes. This sounds like overkill and probably is, but I have started taking a golf club with me if both dogs are setting out with me. I hope that you do document every time that woman's pit bull is out or threatening you, because she is way out of line.


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The mailbox may be on "his" land but it is YOUR mailbox!! How else are you supposed to get your mail????? Plus, he came onto your property following you growling.

I wouldn't wait to call animal control. I'd go ahead and make a report now...just in case something were to happen in the future. Then your complaint will be on file. Who knows....they may even have other complaints already?


P.S. Have to wonder how the mailman feels about that dog?

Cathy and Piper

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Wow, I don't usually add double posts, but I need to add: ANY threatening behavior like that to me is so out of line that I would call the cops next time! Or as Brad indicated, see about animal control laws. That is just unacceptable.

Sorry about double posts but that situation does make me mad!


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I have to admit that when I was younger, I was very afraid of dogs because two dobermans lived across the street from us and they would bark and run at us whenever we went to our mailbox. They never crossed the street, but I was terrified of them. Luckily, their owners moved and I eventually got to know some "nice" dogs so my fear of dogs has disappeared.

I agree with Brad about contacting animal control or the police. However, perhaps the problem could be resolved with a phone call directly to your neighbor. Hopefully, you can express your thoughts to him and he will listen to your concerns. I'd mention that you are an animal lover (as a dog owner I'm assuming you are), but that you feel his dog is unsafe both to you and your pet.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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Well everyone, I'm afraid to say that the story has become a lot worse since I first posted. I talked to another neighbor of mine who told me some really scary news. This neighbor told me that the lady rescued this dog from her son because he was in the pitbul fighting business. So this dog across the street has been taught from a very young age to fight other dogs. How scary is that?? The neighbor that I was talking to today told me that this dog bit his dog last week. I can't believe this. He told me that he has made a complaint but that so far nothing has been done about it. Tomorrow, I will definitely do something about this.

I am definitely an animal lover and hate to think of animal euthanization. However, on the Animal Planet, they never let dogs that were considered "fighting dogs" into a home. They always ended up euthanizing the dogs. Its so sad. I really feel for these dogs and what their owners do to them. However, they are not safe in this neighborhood where we have children and other dogs running around.

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Brad's post is excellent. Document everthing and get your neighbours to do the same. If this dog chased you onto your own property it would probably chase your dog or your child if they were out alone. I might call the postal service too and explain that you don't have safe access to your mailbox. In a similar situation last year I had to call the humane society, the city and the police.

Be careful. Your safety and Harley's is most important

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I'm glad you are going to take some type of action. Just think what that dog could do, not only to you and your dog but to children or even other adults in the area. It is truly a shame that we have to deal with situations such of this. Some people are just plain crazy and don't care. Don't become a victim of this dog and its owner.

Take care and be careful.

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When I read your post I really felt weak - how terrifying for you and Harley!!! I totally agree with Brad about documenting everything. The information your neighbor gave you about the pit bull made me sick. Please file a report as soon as you can. Maybe your report on top of your neighbor's report might make them take action. Keep us updated on the situation and please, please be careful!!!!


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This Story is so frightening , you should most defnatly report this to the police,

if that Dog has been fighting it would certanly Kill your poor little Harley, or a child,

Is Dog fighting against the Law over there ?it is here, it is also against the Law to keep Pitbulls as pets now , you never see them here anymore because of a few bad owners. Please take care. Sandy



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I saw a story on tv a few months ago on American Justice (I think this was the program). This girl apparently was carrying her groceries down the hallway of an apartment building. 2 pit bulls attacked her, even as she struggled to get her apartment door open. This incident was somewhat re-enacted. The young girl never stood a chance, didn't weigh over 120.

Cameras filmed the hallway incident after the attack and before anything was cleaned up (getting evidence). Groceries/blood everywhere.

The dogs were shown outside right after the attack. To see the foam coming from one of them was totally disgusting.

Owners were charged with murder....................jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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I agree with Brad you should contact Animal Control. I would also take pepper spray with you outside, I bet you know someone who could get you some OC.

Please take care of yourself and Harley.

BTW you wouldn't happen to know who she uses for home owners insurance....call them and let them know about the dog, they will go up on her policy and maybe she will get rid of the dog on her own.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Guest cairnmother

Getting in touch with her homeowners insurance company is a great idea. Alot of companies won't insure you if you have a dangerous dog breed. She could find herself un-insured (sounds like she is much deserving) especially since she feels SO strongly about protecting her property. I would find out the laws in your area. You may be justified in shooting the dog if you are being threatened and it is on your property. I know that is a drastic step to take but if all else fails it could be your only option. Her rights don't supercede yours. You have the right to your and your families safety.

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Guest mrskti

oh man what a scary story..i'd call the police immediately. There has to be a record started on these bullies. I think I'd have a neighboorhood meeting about them too.

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My focus is would be on the owner's actions and responsibilities, with respect to their restraint, control, or lack thereof of the individual dog. If you start bringing breed into it, don't be surprised some day when a law in your jurisdiction is passed that is interpreted to include all small terriers as 'dangerous dogs' or your own insurance goes up because you own a 'prey-driven' breed.

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Most cities have ordinances that do not allow roaming dogs. He followed you up to your front door...that is roaming.

There are also laws that pertain to aggressive, domestic animals.

I would have called the animal control and then the police right after that incident. You do not have to tolerate that and you have every right to protect yourself and your dog.

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Guest cairnmother


There is a difference there. Cairns have not been known to kill or seriously maul people. While I might fear being bitten by the nippy little dog down the street I don't feel like my life is in peril because of it. People have the right to feel safe in their own yards. I do think though if you ban a breed bad people will just choose another to "demonize". If I owned a nice well behaved pit bull I would be po'd at the irresponsible owners that gave the breed I loved a bad name. I do think that perhaps ownership of certain breeds should be limited to people who can safely maintain them. Maybe a special liscense or training. I don't know what the answer is but people should not feel intimidated by bullies and their dogs.

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I live in a county where there were two incidences of fatal attacks - unfortunately both by pitbulls - on smaller dogs that were on leash and simply being walked by their owners. One was a pomeranian...the pitbull owner said it was the pomeranian's fault because it was taunting the pitbull...the judge ordered the pitbull euthanized but later changed her mind because of lobbyists and ordered the owner of the pitbull to work with an animal behaviorist. In my own opinion, I'd report your neighbor's dog so at least it's on file even if nothing is done. Your neighbor should take more responsibility over their dog's actions....

There is an Akita breeder around our corner. When I was walking with Alfie, there was an adult Akita tied to a tree, but the leash was longer than 6 feet and clearly he could easily jump at us beyond their property. I didn't see the dog right away but heard the deep growl first. It was scary. Alfie, thinking of course that he a big dog, wanted to approach the dog but I had to pull him away. The Akita did run to us barking and growling but fortunately we were at the other side of the street. :shock:

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I do agree that theere are more "bad owners" than "bad dogs." By the way, I doubt your mailbox is on "their" property; usually they are on a right-of-way or some kind of easement. This means the dog is threatening you on public property. And this dog has already bit! Surely the laws in your area cover that. Did your neighbor take his/her dog to the vet after the biting? Maybe it's not too late now to get it documented. If you join together, it will be harder for the authorities to ignore you. A camera or video that prints out date and time will be useful too.

We had a neighbor with a "rescue newfie" who, in one quick movement while on leash, ran to the street, grabbed, shook and killed a neighbor's small dog (walked by the whole family on a leash that day) in front of their children. She knew the dog was aggressive, and still did not have it on leash. Of course, the dog was put down, but it doesn't stop the tragedy the children saw.

Until that dog is gone, please keep your little one safe and away from that house and mailbox. And enlist your neighbors in the effort to get rid of the dog.

Good luck, and our thoughts are with you.

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In an earlier post, you mentioned that she got the dog from her son who runs a pitbull 'training' business. I would assume that is illegal?? Depending on what he is training them to do, I guess.

Again, I would call animal control. I would also mention about her son training these dogs to them. Shouldn't be hard for them to track him down and look into the situation.


P.S. Forgot to add.....we had an incident while walking our Cairn a few years back. A dog came flying out of it's garage, ran across the street and attacked our dog while on a leash. Two little gilrs were standing right next to Toto petting her when it happened!

Our little Cairn sustained bites on her nose and snout. I called the vet and he told me that he was required to file a report with animal control. I also found out from another neighbor that lived nearby that this was not the first incident with this dog.

The next week, I saw Invisible Fence at the house. Glad to see that....But, now everytime we are out walking the dogs and I see one running up to us, I freak out and immediately pick up the dogs. I hate feeling that way.....

Cathy and Piper

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As always I'm late to the posts but I so wholeheartedly agree with what everyone has said. I'd be on the phone immediately to the police, animal control, the post office. I can't believe in this day and age that no one has done anything about this animal. A friend of mine just told me that as far as homeowners insurance goes, that either they won't or make you pay BIG time, if you have a pitt bull. I wonder if she even HAS homeowner's insurance.

Please be safe - and DEFINITELY get yourself some mace. It's a sad state of affairs when you have to carry mace (or a baseball bat!!!!!!!!!!!) to the mailbox.

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