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cairns and allergies

Guest posting as: Chris

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Guest posting as: Chris

we are thinking about getting a cairn but my mom has serious allergies :sick: to animal fur. Are cairns hypoallergenic, or do they do well with allergies

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I read somewhere that cairns have hair, not fur, that's why they're OK with allergy sufferers. I get mild allergy symptoms with other animals but certainly none with Alfie!

Good luck!

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Cairns do seem to be on the lower end of the allergy scale but I would not go so far as to say they are completely nonallergenic. Still, many people who are sensitive to many dog breeds do very well with Cairns. I suggest you and your mom simply visit a breeder or household with a lot of Cairns to take a reading. My wife is sometimes mildly sensitive to puppies but not at all to adults.

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My grandaughter is allergic to dogs, so we had to give away our darling Sabrina, who was half poodle and half shitzu (a very hard decision). So, after four years without a dog, we got our second Cairn and she has no problems with the allergies. My husband took her (our grandaughter) with him to pick up the puppy at the breeders, and she did have a reaction after being in the closed up car 2 1/2 hours with the puppy, but since then she has had no problems. We learned our lesson about driving in a car without ventilation and now are careful to open windows, run air conditioning or something. Our grandaughter has been staying with us for the past few months while her family transitions to a new home, and even living in the same house hasn't been a problem :D. Praise God!



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I am allergic to most dogs and cats (I usually have a reaction within an hour or so of being around them). We have had Savannah over 2 months now and I have had no reactions from her so far (and she is in the house most of the time). I would recommend going to a breeder with your mother and stay around them awhile to see how she reacts. Good luck and please let us know the outcome!

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I am supposedly allergic to dog dander and this is my second Cairn with absolutely no problems whatsoever. I've always heard that Cairns are excellent pets for people with allergies. Good luck!

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My son has horrable allergies. My first cairn Missy was 6 years old when Brandon was born, he was born with allergies not only outoor allergies but to egg and peanut and the list goes on. He never had a problem and I heard as well Cairns are more hair than fur. We now have a cairn puppy and Brandon is fine.

If Brandon goes to the vet with me he is walking out having trouble breathing from all the different breed hair. I didn't let Missy my first cairn nor now Kramer in Brandons bedroom. His allergist said best to keep any pets out of his bedroom where he sleeps.

Good luck

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Guest posting as: Chris

Ok thanks for all of the feedback. We will try to visit a breeder. I will tell you guys how it went. If it goes well and we get one, I will make sure I register for this site.

Thanks again for all your replies :)

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Chris, you may want to see if the breeder will allow you to take the dog on the condition that if your mother develops problems you may return the dog. I'm sorry to say that my daughter developed a rash after we had our pup home for a couple of weeks. I took her to her doctor and then a allergist and had testing done. Turns out she has a extremely sensitive skin and holding the puppy was giving her the rashes. We sadly had to find Sassy a new home and within a week her rash was completely gone. We were told to wait a couple of years, (my daughter just turned three and sometimes they out grow this) and then if we wanted a house dog to get a poodle or bishon is what the allergist recommended. Good luck

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Apparently there is also something in dogs' saliva that some folks are allergic too -- I had a vet who was always getting rashes on her hands (occupational hazard). Be sure to check that out too.

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Guest posting as: Chris

Thanks, I never herd of saliva can trigger allergies.

My mother contacted a breeder a couple of days ago, but we can't go there to test the allergies because they have cats. (my mom's through closes up when near cats). So we need to contact another breeder.

Thanks for all the feedback :D

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