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Obsessed with squirrels

Abby's Dad

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Abby goes bezonko with the squirrels every morning. Approximately 6-8 squirrels will be busy digging for acorns or whatever - when she spots them, she goes from one to the other until she has them all treed. Puts on a real show for me. Luckily she hasn't caught one yet. The pic shows her treeing the last one :DPICT0064.JPG

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Cute picture of Cairn concentration.

Oh my yes, all the squirrels in our back yard wear hearing aids from having been deafened by my male. Thankfully the ladies are quieter hunters - but just as eager to catch one. No one has succeeded yet.

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The picture is great and yes Rebel really really wants to catch a squirrel!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I posted this picture of our youngest Cairn last year but here he is once more......he will sit for HOURS just waiting, waiting. Of course, that is AFTER a barkathon for a looooooong period!



Cathy and Piper

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Carolina's middle name is squirrel! As soon as she knows one of us is going out back, she runs to the door and once opened, RACES out to our bird feeders to "clear the yard". If we're all out front and decide to go out back, she races ahead of us to do the same thing.

Many many times she has come incredibly close to catching one. I swear, a few times I think she has "tasted fur" from their tails!

Does anyone's dogs actually stalk the squirrels? Carolina sometimes belly crawls v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y through the grass and sneaks up on them.

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Yep!! Cooper does the belly crawl thru the grass to try to catch a squirrel that is stupid enough to come into the backyard. Our neighbor across the street is an exterminator, but he does not like to kill the squirrels, so he live traps them and lets them loose in our neighborhood! We had a shadowbox fence and they run along the top of that, just to drive poor Cooper mad.

Last summer, he was chasing one thru the backyard as I stood on the back porch watching. That squirrel came racing up the back steps and almost went into the house before it made a quick left turn (thank goodness!) and hopped off the porch and onto the gazebo. Cooper was beside himself trying to find where it went! I can only picture what would have happened if it had gone inside!!! :w00t:


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Squirrels are Scully's absolute favorite thing to chase. That little thing can spy them from far away. America is safe from squirrels with our Cairns around!

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Savannah chases anything that moves! Squirrels, birds, rabbits, bugs, feathers, and the list goes on. Luckily she has never caught anything other than a bug or two. If she were to ever catch something else, I don't know what I would do! YUCK!

Savannah must not have read the memo on girls being quiet hunters cause boy oh boy does she have a set of lungs on her. If there is another animal involved, she puts all her effort into barking at it. She barks so hard when she has one of her barking fits that her ears and tail go back with each bark (I am sure the neighbors adore us). It is actually quite funny to see!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Alfie chases squirrels, too! His favorite toy is one that looks like a squirrel with a squeaky thing on its tail. We throw it and he runs after it like it's alive.

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Scout will try to creep up to a bird or squirrel too...it's so funny to watch...like the squirrel can't hear her! LOL!

Finch, the poor little thing, is sooo obsessed with her frisbee that she won't EVER be able to catch a squirrel. When she sees a squirrel running across the yard, she has to grab her frisbee BEFORE she begins the chase...and by this time the squirell is safe and sound in the tree. LOL!

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We're not lucky enough to have squirrels in our yard, but we do have rabbits and a groundhog who pops up every once and awhile. Liddy does the stalking thing with rabbits and I swear she can see them even when its pitch black out. When the groundhog makes his rare appearances, Liddy always stares at him in surprise and he makes a quick getaway.

I love the pictures...if only our Cairns used that much concentration when we said "Stay!"

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Yep.....Petey goes after squirrels and rabbits in our back yard. He knows at dusk that the rabbits will be out there and he will survey the yard from our upper deck before making his charge. :devil: He also saw a chipmonk go into a hole once and he has to go out and dig there every so oftento see if he can get to that pesky wascal.

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Roxie is going to go nuts with the squirrels around here. They actually sit in the tree and tease her, I kid you not. They are not afraid of her :!: But last summer she actually caught quite a few of the ground hogs. All I could do was scream, because they don't drop them, they play with them like toys. Bat them around, fling them in the air, pounce on them. :shock::( I had to have the little neighbor boy come and pick them up (he comes from a hunting family). I just couldn't handle it. Disgusting.

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Only me again. I am being corrected by my kids, maybe not ground hogs, but ground something. They live in the ground anyway!!!!!

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We have a squirrel that Ghillie has nearly caught more than once. I don't know for sure what he would do but I don't think it would be a pretty picture. Smokey our 10 year old can jump 4 feet up a tree and looks like he wants to climb after the squirrels. The squirrels sit on the fence and scold the boys. They were hiding stuff in our yard last fall and now I have some lovely tulips I didn't plant but my neighbour did.

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Brad....I believe Piper would 'kick butt' at an Earth dog contest. He has had the taste....... :sick: .

Sure wish I could find one around our area.


Cathy and Piper

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I have to add chipmunks. We've had some close calls; luckily Apollo hasn't caught one yet. He would have a "field" day at my parents farm.



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We USED to have chipmunks and I just loved them. I named one of them Chipper and he would sit on top of our stone wall every morning and make the most annoying sounds until I got up and gave him peanuts. He would eat out of my hand and at times climb on my lap if I was busy in the yard and ignored him.

Then we got ELLIOTT. Haven't seen a chipmunk since although his exit/entrance hole is still there....see!


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This is a bit off the squirrels topic but right on with the obsessed....days ago Alfie caught a bee and disabled it. It flew for several minutes in front of his nose while he was trying to catch it (actually, if there is a term for limping while flying, that's what the bee was doing....and it probably already died -_- ).

Everyday when we go to that spot in our backyard, he would jump and look for the bee. Yesterday he barked at that spot like crazy. It was funny watching him barking at the ground like he expects the bee to come out and play..... but he carried on for several minutes....

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I have really been thinking about getting Savannah into an Earth Dog club and seeing how she does. The other day she dug this HUGE hole in my flower bed. What did I find in the bottom of the hole??? Rabbit poop! She must have smelled the rabbit poop and thought she was going to get her a rabbit!!! I just wish there was somewhere closer that did the Earth Dog thing.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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