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Neighborhood walks - space


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I was just wondering what y'all thought about the sidewalks and space in yoru neighborhood. When I take Bosco for a walk, I try to make sure he does not walk on anyone else's lawn, but it is hard to prevent him from walking on the very side, near the street, where the trees are. Is this part of the sidewalk also considered private property, and thus our dogs are not allowed to walk there? I am talking about the part that is on the other side of the sidewalk, not right next to the lawn.

Just wondering, since a mean old woman in my neighborhood yelled at Bosco when he sniffed her tree. The funny thing is is that we are really the cleanest dog in the neighborhood - we always pick up after ourselves and never dig anything up. The other dogs have owners that just ignore their poo, even when it is on someone else's lawn! :huh:

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Milopup, I know exactly what you're referring to. I *think* that section is considered their property if it's on the sidewalk (here in Philadelphia the "property line" end at the curb) - the street is public domain. I feel as though as long as I keep my dog off their lawns, that little patch of grass isn't going to kill someone and I'm cleaning up after her.

I always walk Scully with a plastic bag and I make sure that I keep the towels in my hand so homeowners see that I intend on picking up the poo. When I had my other Cairn there was an old woman who did the same thing to me and yelled at Ginger. I showed her the bag and the towels and tried to keep her off that woman's little plot of grass.

I think as long as we are taking care of our pet's "business" I can't see where anyone has a leg to stand on.

There's always going to be a crabapple out there. Just try to avoid her and enjoy your walks!

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Thanks Joanne - I am glad we think the same about this. I try not to let Bosco walk on that part, but heck how do I walk him? Do I just carry him everywhere and plop him in the bushes near the park? Seriously I don't know what else to do. And if he needs to pee, yelling at him to stop would just confuse him since he is outdoors. Gee, what a crabby woman. :(

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I am in Wisconsin and lately have been going through the same thing with some older people. I just feel trees and bushes and hydrants are the dogs domain, and if anything is done besides pee I pick it up. They enjoy these walks so they can sniff around a little. I really don't know if I am right or wrong, but I just steer clear of the few I know will yell.

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In Tacoma, that is referred to as the parking strip and it is owned by the city, but up to the homeowner of that property to maintain it. I don't see what the problem is as long as you clean up after your dog, which I'm sure you do. Try calling the routine number to your police department and ask them.


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Here in Ontario the strip between the sidewalk and the curb belongs to the city although it is our responsibility to keep it up. If the dogs do their business on that strip and you pick up the poop then the homeowners have no right to try to stop you. Your city bylaw officers probably could care less and every neighbourhood has their cranky people.

My friend had a similar experience while waking her cairn. He stopped to do his business on that strip and a teenage boy tried to intimidate her and was yelling that the dog had to get off his property. She just pointed out it was city property and by that time her dog had already done his business, she picked it up and proceeded on her way.

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Thanks - but what about peeing? It's kind of hard to pick that up and clean up. :confused: Sorry, but people yelling at me freak me out. I know, I am a wimp. :( What do people here who walk their dogs (versus letting them go in the backyard) do?? :confused:

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We live in a neighborhood that has a walking path behind some of the houses. Picture this, homes/walking path/greenbelt with a stream. Well, one day my dh was walking our pup and she decided to potty in the grass along the stream side of the walking path. One of the people whose house backs up to the path yelled at him that he wasn't supposed to let her do that. His response was, well it is the woods. It wasn't someones yard or the pathway. It was actually the woods between the stream and the walking path. He did plan to clean it up, but just the idea was aggravating. Some people just don't have enough to do!



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I wave at them nicely and say, "Have a great day!" - even if they are busy going blue in the face yelling at me. The stress is their problem, not mine. I pick up after my dogs so I have a clean conscience. I suppose they yell at the birds dropping, too? The sad part is, they probably got so angry because of people who DO NOT pick up after their dogs ... thanks for that, irresponsible owners!

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We have no sidewalks in our neighborhood so it's been tough walking the dog. Alfie likes doing his business right around mailboxes. I always clean up. Like most of you, I put out the collection bag out on display. Luckily no one yelled at me yet but maybe also because it's a dog-friendly neighborhood, too.

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As a person with extensive perennial gardens (all of the yard and the boulevard as well, and I live on a corner) and also a cairn, I thought I should respond with a middle-of-the-road view. I am careful with my cairn Allie when I walk her, and I don't let her run out the full 25 feet of her expandable leash. I make sure she does her "business" on the boulevard where there is grass, and not on people's lawns. It's not about whether it is legal; it's just about what is nice.

I really hate it when someone else walks their dog along my garden and lets them come up into the yard. The dog hurts the plants, and the leash is even worse.

People have said, "hey I was going to pick up!" But it's not about that. It's about keeping a dog out of an obviously well-tended and well-loved garden. It's not hard to keep the dog in close leash while walking by that kind of place (or by the house of someone you know objects). And it's even easier to find a different route.

The world is full of people who love my dog, and I try to walk my dog by those people!


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We don't have sidewalks on our street either, so we don't have a choice. I try to walk the dogs so they are walking on the street, since it helps keep their nails shorter. I always bring a bag (they are HOT pink!) and pick up afterwards. Like Brad said...just wave and smile...I don't think there is anything else you can say or do.

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