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New Puppy at Home


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It was Sherman Saturday for us this week.

Saturday we (husband, son -4- and daughter -7-) were up early to head to the breeder's to pick up Sherman. Arrived at the breeder's house about 11 and hung around there listening to instructions and asking questions until about noon. We got subs and had a picnic lunch, my kids and Sherman LOVED it -- he couldn't get enough rolling around with the kids. We had a 2-hour drive back home.

All the activity knocked the three of right out in the backseat (Sherman has a little harness and carseat that fits between them). We got home about 5 and fixed some dinner for all of us - Sherman didn't explore too much, in fact, he stayed close to us and just played and played and played with his new toys. Sherman went into his condo (crate that we put in the family room) at 10:30. He whimpered for about 10 minutes, but fell asleep until 4 am. At that point I got up, took him out and put him back in the condo. He whimpered a few minutes but fell right asleep until 6-ish.

He's doing okay on the potty-ing. We made an a pen (out of latticework) like the breeder had and if we take him out there he goes. We're trying to tie the whole process to a bell we have by the backdoor, so we're ringing the bell with his paw, saying "outside-potty" and then putting him in the pen. He's had a few accidents, but his bladder is the size of a peanut. For the most part though he's doing great. We just need to have him work on the realization that he has to go -- the hardest part!

On Sunday, our second day home, Sherman played so hard after breakfast that he walked into his condo at 10:30 and slept until 1! When he woke up we took him to PetsMart (he LOVES this place) to sign up for classes. Signed up for a kids and dogs class (one-on-one training between the puppy, kids and the trainer), a family class and Puppy Headstart.

He napped after that trip. We played some more (see the pattern?), walked around the block (had to carry Sherman some since his legs are so little!) to show him off (oh, the ooohs and ahhhhs) and came home to play some more. We kept Sherman up until 10:30 again. A little whining when he went in his condo, but he slept until 5 (not bad since I'm up around 5:30 anyway).

This morning I kept him up from 5 on playing and eating. Once the kids were up, we walked him and tired him out before we all left for the day. My husband went home at lunch to let him out and said he took him immediately to the pen and he pottied and they then walked around and played. He seems to be doing great -- we'll keep up this strategy for a few weeks at least.

~ theresa


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Welcome home Sherman. Having a small potty area to drop him in is a terrific idea, as is playing with him after he does his bit of business. Isn't it heartwarming to see a puppy so played out they just conk out? Recharging their mischief batteries, no doubt.

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Welcome Sherman - what a doll you are!!!!

It sounds like you really have a schedule down for Sherman, which is terrific. Like everyone always says - persistence, persistence, and MORE persistence pays off.

I'll bet Sherman thinks he's the luckiest puppy ever!

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Whew, Sherman, you are one busy little guy! Sounds like your mom & dad have you on a great schedule and you're so lucky to have some kids at your house to play with. I can't wait to hear more stories and see more pictures. Welcome home Sherman!

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Theresa and I recently found out that Sherman is Savannah's half brother (Sherman's mom was still pregnant with Sherman when we went and picked up Savannah in March). Don't they look alike at that age????


We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

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This photo may show up a little better -- it's a few weeks old though, I need to download off my camera


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Sherman is a real cutie. Welcome to his new wonderful home.

He and Savannah really do look alike. Gee Sherman and Savannah sounds like a southern thing!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Guest mrskti

OH my gosh, i forget how tiny these puppies were!!! Sherman is darling....they sure do love to play dont they!! I love it when the girls are worn out and just flop down. Dori begs to come up to the chair and flops down and flings her head on the arm of the chair. Poor Ellie is too beefie to make the jump!!! of course I help her out....

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This may sound weird, but could you post a picture of your potty area (not the contents, just the lattice thing you made). It sounds like a great idea! I wish my 2 would just go to 1 place in the yard, they pick their spot very carefully and it could be anywhere.

Sherman is such a cutie-pie! I'll bet your kids just love him to pieces! Enjoy these puppy moments, they don't last long enough!

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I'll take a photo tonight -- essentially we went to home depot and had them cut one sheet of lattice work into 4 equal pieces. We then had them do the same with a 2X4 and attached the latticework.

We'll eventually do away with this, but it keeps him "on the same program" now . . . a friend suggested a "Pee Post" for later, after he's trained. It's a post treated with pheromones and is supposed to help get dogs to go in one spot.

~ t

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Welcome baby Sherman! You are one little cutie! :wub:

I too had a baby pen for Hannah when she was a puppy. I'm sure I could have saved money making it w/ lattice but I just ordered one of those metal pens (no floor) that you stand up outside. They fold down which is great for traveling. We took it to N.C. so the dogs had a place to go w/o being on a leash. Even now I use the pen for Hannah when I take her out w/ my 2 large dogs. My other 2 cairns have they own fenced area off of the kitchen that they use in the a.m.

What's funny is that when I have all 3 cairns out in the backyard playing, Hannah will run over to her pen to go potty. (I leave the door cracked open for her). She has this huge backyard but still associates her pen as her bathroom. :lol:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Welcome home Sherman!!! You are one cute little guy!!!! We have an exercise pen outside for potty purposes - I got the idea right here from this forum!!! This is such a great place!!! Have fun with your new baby and keep the pictures coming!!!


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