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Scary Dog Attack


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Oh the breed-specific roundup is horrible. :(

As for the situation in my neighborhood, these are not the first instances when the dogs are roaming. We have mentioned it to the owners before, guess we need to do it again? :confused:

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This sucks. Seems like our neighborhoods are like minefields-- poor Bosco. I am sick of being "accompanied" on walks by others' dogs to whom the leash laws do not apply. One neighbor, after I politely complained of his over-exuberant dog dive-bombing my Maggie who has arthritis, injury induced-- and something can be reinduced, suggested that maybe I should walk my dog on a different block. I refused.

One good thing about being negligent about grooming is that once Geordie was attacked by a Chow/Shepherd mix that bolted from its yard and attacked Geordie. As I yelled for the two-minute eternity, Maggie wisely hid behind my back, but Geordie would not retreat. Fortunately by the time the owners came, the only harm done was a superficial bite-- inflicted by my 17# dog-- with 17" of undercoat protecting his neck.

Just today, I thought of getting some pepper spray. . . what think any of you?



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I guess I'm in the same boat. I really don't know how to protect my dogs. Pepper spray &/or mace is illegal here too. Because I have two dogs it's hard to carry something else but I wonder if a spray bottle with diluted vinegar or something would work.

We have a ban on pit bulls here too but owners who already had them were allowed to keep them. They can't be bred and sold anymore. I really think breed specific bans could get out of hand. Any dog can bite or be dangerous if he is trained to be that way.

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I wholeheartedly agree w/you on any dog being dangerous and biting. Our daughter and her husband have a pitbull....when they got it I was not very pleased. Over the years (she is now almost 5), she has turned into the best dog I have ever come across in my life. It has to do w/how the dog is raised, not just the breed. Seeing their dog has changed my mind on pitbulls. Do I trust others pitbulls? Not unless I know them! But then, I don't like any big dog since being bitten by a german shephard as a child.

We were staying w/our daughter when we bought Cooper. Sadie would play with him so gentle. Even now that Cooper is two years old, they still play and wrestle around, and the only person, I mean dog, who has ever gotten a mark (no blood drawn, just a mark) is Sadie, the pitbull, because Cooper grabbed her loose next skin - and Sadie did not retaliate at all.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I had a pit bull apear out of nowhere the other day when i was walking...he usually isn't lose, but his owner called him back, but today, my pup broke his collar, daughter tied him out and "forgot about him" and he got lose and was running the neighborhood! I know there's times they get lose and no one can help it...but there's other people who just don't try to keep them under control...

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The last neighborhood i lived in, when we first moved there, i didn't know everyone was "related" and there was dogs roaming from two doors down. My kids walked to school and these dogs would get out of the fence and theywere biters...well, I called the police, and guess whose sister was on the force...? the dog owners...you can't win in some little towns...

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Thanks Shoe - I think I will give it a try. I am still freaked out about walking in the neighborhood (yes I am a wimp) and carrying this might help.

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How awful for you and bosco! I hate hearing about this kind of thing, but it is something that we as reponsible owners have to deal with. In fact I live in a small neighborhood and I know that there are dogs runnung free here too. I want to start Toto on a regular walking regimen so I'll probably pick some of that citronella spray up. I have been bit a few times in my life and all but one was by dogs running free.... That doesn't deter me from being an doggie parent though :wub:

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I have been on vacation so just getting back to the Forum. I am sorry to hear about your terrifying incident and am so glad that you and Bosco are ok. If it were me, I would report the owners of the offending animal AND I would begin to carry either a can of mace or pepper spray with me. This type of behaviour should not be tolerated. Lately there have been a rash of pitbull attacks in CA with many severe injuries (thankfully, no deaths) and folks are really up in arms about dogs that are not leashed. Again, I am very glad that you both are ok!


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No sooner than I reply to this and I take Toto in our backyard to do his business and what do I see taking off? One of the frequently roaming dogs, in fact the one I saw was hit by a car a few months ago was taken in by a different family and now that family has that dog and their other dog running around loose. It's a shame when I have to worry in my own backyard (only our front yard is fenced in and the back is out of the question for now).

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