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Enjoying a yummy treat....


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The homemade Frosty Paws were a big hit with my two last night.

I snuck a taste and it's quite good. I think one would be enough split between two dogs, or make them in ice cube trays.

Yes, it was $7.99 for 4 in my local market. No surprise there. They are the only place around so they are pricey. I also read the label and there's lots of artificial stuff in them so I'd rather make them myself. It only took 5 minutes to whip up a batch. Anna, thanks again for sharing that recipe. Now we can all have frozen treats this summer!

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I also made homemade Frosty Paws -- I had all the ingredients, why not-- and Alfie loved it! I'm glad the recipe I found on the internet was a hit!

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I believe I paid under $4 at Publix for the Frosty treats. My 3 love them, but I have to separate them. Like MikeC's dogs, little Hannah takes her time while the other two can't eat theirs fast enough.

I too will try the recipe. Thanks!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Thanks for the recipe for Homemade Frosty Paws! I made a batch last night and then today when it was so darned hot I cut one in half for Gracie and Spike. They devoured it! Grace licked hers and the plate, but Spike must have thought that took too long because he decided to put it in his mouth and chew it up! I put the rest in freezer bags for those "dog days of summer..." :thumbsup:


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I finally got around to making the recipe for Rufus. My kids were so excited to help, but wouldn't take a taste since it was for Rufus. Anyway, after the freezing was done I was so excited to give it to Rufus on another hot day. He licked it several times then wouldn't finish it. I couldn't believe he didn't like it!!! I thought all dogs liked it. I guess he's just a little weird. Oh well, now I have ice cube trays and several cups of Frosty Paws that nobody will eat. Maybe I'll find another dog to share with.


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I admit to being weird - I tried the doggy ice cream after I made it for my pup (peanut butter, banana, honey and yogurt - all stuff we can eat, and have eaten in frozen yogurt sundaes) and it was pretty good. :D

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I don't think it is weird at all, in fact, if I make them (I would have already if my freezer wasn't so full) they will be doggie and human treats! It would probably taste better to humans if it was made in an ice cream maker.

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