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Suggestions for dry food additions


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"Upping the ante"...I like that saying. :D That's exactly what mine did after a couple days of cottage cheese. I guess we can easily get twisted around their little paws but I'm standing firm. :shock: I went back to the original Canidae/Wellness/Evolve canned, adding just a teaspoon or so to their kibble.

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Scout will eat her added veggies right away and then she eats the Canidae, but Finch digs right down to the kibble and eats that first...funny dogs! Yesterday they tried cucumber for the first time. We are growing it in our veggie garden. At first Finch wouldn't eat it, but staring at Scout gobbling her's down, she decided to try it..lol!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use any of the following to spice up & provide a healthy boost to Murphy & Trapper's Eukinuba Lamb & Rice: a tablespoon of cottage cheese; a teaspoon of plain, nonfat yogurt (usually 3x/week); a tablespoon of our dinner leftovers (chicken, steak, eggs, cheese, fish); AND every night for dinner they get a few frozen, french-style string beans on top. If they are constipated: a tablespoon of pumpkin puree; if they have diarriha: I substitute the kibble for half-ground cooked beef & half boiled rice. For treats: the spines of romaine lettuce; cut-up carrots; plain, rice cake chunks; various store-bought crunchies or soft ones and a few times a week I give them a Denta-stix stuffed into a Kong-like toy when we go out. They do eat lots of treats, it seems to me, but we do walk lots & they are within their appropriate weight range (14 & 15 lbs.). Murphy has a bad skin allergy so I'm switching them both to Canidae. Hope this helps!! Great postings, thanks for the additional ideas!!

Linda (AKA: Murphy & Trapper's mom)

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