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I have a Canon Powershot A40. I've really enjoyed it and feel like I got my money's worth out of this camera. I'm not all that great at picture taking. It takes me like 20 shots to get 1 decent one. So I give all credit to my camera and my subjects. :)

Here's my lil' Cairn, Murph:


With my 2 Collies, Oz and Gully, urging me to hurry up and get out of the tub:


And my friend's JRT, Idgie, after rolling in some poop on a camping trip (Murph and Oz tip-toed around the poop ;)):


Close up on Oz's eyes:




Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.

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Les, those photos are fabulous! Beautiful dogs.

That picture of Murph could win a contest! How far up were you?

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Thanks Cairns2! That first pic of Murph is at McKinney State Park in Texas. The terrain is real rocky, but somewhat flat, so we really didn't do any climbing there.

Murph has done a lil' bit of climbing up Enchanted Rock in Texas though and did quite well actually for such a lil' dog. He'd jump from rock to rock with no problem.



Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.

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