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Other Dogs Trespasses


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Some gardeners use moth balls to discourage cats and dogs from digging and using the garden for a bathroom. Just be sure Bosco doesn't get hold of one and eat it. You could also try Bitter Apple spray. It is mostly used as a training aid to keep pets off furniture but the smell of it would distract the dog from using your tree. Of course you have to reapply it after it rains. Another item to look into is a fertilizer called milorganite. Home Depot carries it. Areas with heavy deer populations have used it since the strong smell of the fertilizer repels the deer and they stay away from the plants. I do not know how it would affect dogs but it is safe for pets to walk on areas where the fertilizer was used. Perhaps talk to someone at your local home and garden shop.

My first course of action would be with the local dog officer to see if your town has pick up rules. Where I walk my dogs there is a first-time $10 fine if you don't pick up after your dog, then $25 for 2nd offense and $50 for the third time. If you have more than 3 offenses within one year, they can impound your dog! I know it's strict, but it's a lovely historic village and there are many dog owners and tourists.

The sidewalks would be a mess if people were not considerate of others.

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Guest dhbjrcourt

When our male cairn was alive we would take him out in our front yard for him to do his business sometimes late at night. He would always go over to a specific bunch of money grass. Well, after about two weeks of constant peeing on the monkey grass, it died. You know what they say about monkey grass--nothing can kill it. Well, dog pee does the trick so I don't doubt that it would eventually kill your tree unless you were right there to wash it off immediately after the big dog left.

Do you have a backyard that you have any trees in? Maybe your pup can use the backyard for awhile and you can deal with the "other" dog and his owner.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Sorry, that last dhbjrcourt post was mine. this computer sometimes just has a mind of its own. Should have read Darcy's Mom.

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I live in a condo association with 12 other units. The neighbor allowed her dog to poop in my yard while I'm standing there. She "told" me about it, but nevermind that the dog is doing it right in front of me.

It kinda made me mad, but don't want bad relations with neighbors so I told her, "that's ok, i have a shovel i use for booker."..............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw something in the Design Toscano catalog. It's a yard sign that they call

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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