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What's in a name?


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Col. Potter recently had a fundraiser where you donate money and have a chance at winning a prize. One of the prizes allowed the winner to name a group of rescue dogs. I thought it was a great prize, but alas someone else won it. I'm going to have to read To Kill a Mockingbird (or rent the movie).

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Chose Digby, because in Scottish it means 'Settlement near a ditch'...Very fitting since he likes to excavate things. :)

“In order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.”


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I had been wanting a dog for the eight years since being married. I wanted a tough, little dog that could "go the distance". My dh and I were hiking up Tuckerman's Revine in NH this past spring and to my wonderful surprise there was a stout, rugged dog hiking along the trail. It was a Cairn and his name was Harry and I thought he was perfect. So, I named my own puppy Harry after him three months later.

(Shoe, I love "To Kill A Mokingbird" as well. It's one of my favorites!!)

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This is my first post here. My family recently lost our Cairn, but I know I'll be owned by another again some day, so decided to start hanging out here. It helps to read about other's Cairns for some reason. Anyway, on topic, my Cairn's name was Ronan. I wanted a Celtic name and had a friend who dug out her Book of Saints or something like that. We ran across the name Ronan which means little seal. I thought Ronan looked a little like a seal pup when we got him and so claimed the name.

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So sorry to hear about your loss MMG. We would love to hear about your baby. Good luck in your search for a new pup!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Some of you mentioned in your posts that you used a website to help choose a name for your Cairn. If anyone can provide a link to some good Scottish names, I would appreciate it. We are on a waiting list for a little boy! I'll also need some help and tips from those of you that have three Cairns. This is very exciting! I just hope I'm ready for puppy training again! I just got one out of diapers, so to speak!

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I'm not sure whether this link will take you to the Scottish name site or not. If it doesn't, scroll to the Names from Around the World section and choose the Scottish names link. Name Nerds

Okay, it doesn't go where I hoped it would go. Choose Links, then scroll to Names From Around The World, etc. On the other hand, this is a fun name site and I recommend exploring everything here.

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Thanks, mmg. That is a great site. I like having the pronounciations as well as the meanings of the names. Appreciate the info.

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