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abe's dad

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I had a similar adjustment period when we adopted Scruffy, too. Even though Tucker was younger and smaller, he considered himself above Scruffy in the pack (and rightly so!). There were a couple of growls between them, but Scruffy soon accepted his place in the pack and they get along terrifically now. I still feed them in seperate corners and watch them until they finish so that there aren't any spats. I also do not give them chews because we've had major scuffles over that!


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So far, they are not fighting over toys. Scruf doesn't understand the concept of playiing with toys. Abe took him one and laid it down in front of him, looking for a good ole tug of war, and Scruf just looked at it like......what??.......lol

They are quickly learning that they both love to wrestle and tustle around....when this commences, we have to shoo them outside for the sake of our toes, or whatever gets in the way! it is very sweet ! And, Scruf will sit back and wait for Abe to finish and then take his turn at the food bowl, this amazes me. He is so sweet tempered, that my spoiled Abe, just can not find too much fault with him. thank goodness.

Isn't it funny how we both came by our dogs, and they both have the same name?

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That picture is beyond precious!!! I love it!!! I'm so glad your boys are adjusting to each other - I'm sure before too long they will be the best of buddies!!! I can't wait to hear more about their adventures!!


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