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Introducing Madison Avenue "Maddy"


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Thanks Teri. Do you remember about how long it took for

your older dog to warm up to the pup? Grilly just looks at me like

"is she crazy?" and walks away. :D

more pics (yes, I am a proud mommy)

A little blurry...she moves pretty fast!




And more chewing



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Guest mrskti

She is so sweet. I can't believe how fast they grow too, even though they dont get very big. My two are lying on the sofa, being so nice (for now!) Ellie isn't even beating Dori up for the new chewie too, i'm so proud!!!

Keep the pics coming. I know what you mean about blurry pics, i have some real cute blurry ones!!!! LOL

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Grilly doesn't want to play with her anymore.

She is dying to play with him, but he refuses.

He played for two days and then it was like ....

"I am done" Somebody please tell me again it

will be okay!

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Welcome baby Madison! I am so sorry for missing this post. I've been so caught up about little Fergus missing that I haven't read anything else. She is so adorable! Just give Grilly some time and keep an eye on him. :ninja: Kiara took to Abbey and Abbey took to Hannah, but Kiara did not take to Hannah right away. Hannah was so small when we brought her home that I kept her in my dd's hamster pen (you set up on the floor) so that Hannah couldn't jump on Kiara. Abbey seemed to love playing w/ Hannah, but they are only 6 mths apart in age. Kiara would have enough and growl. :mad: It got worst and when Hannah was 15 wks, Kiara snapped at Hannah leaving quite a mark on her nose. :nono: I knew this was due to jealousy and kept them apart when I couldn't supervise and made sure Kiara had plenty of attention. Due to their size difference, it took almost 6 mths for Kiara to finally play well w/ Hannah. Now the three of them love to run together and even play tug of war over toys. Kiara and Hannah do fine now and seem so much alike that sometimes I'd swear they're mother/daughter. Just make sure whenever you buy Madison a new toy to buy Grilly one too, but I bet you already know that. I don't even want to add up what I've spent on toys for my cairns. Keep sending the pictures, they're really cute!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Madison is one beautiful little pup. I just love her coloring. Grilly will be wondering how he ever lived without his little sister.

I'd KILL to have another one!

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We adopted Finch when Scout was 2 years old. She spent alot of time sniffing her and giving us the look "what did you DO to me?". Scout would also stand over Finch, which was easy since Finch was so tiny, and follow her around the house like that. I couldn't figure out what she was doing, so I called the breeder and she said Scout was just showing that she was "boss".

It might take a few weeks, but they will be best buddies in no time at all....I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grilly is feeling the same way that you would feel if your DH came home with a new wife and said....hello....let's now get along! LOL! It will take time, but they will soon not know life without each other!

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Hi, My daughter bought a cairn puppy in june when she came home for the summer break from college. (I think the timing had something to do with wanting me to do the housebreaking. . Skye was 4 months at the time. We already had a schnauzer, 8 yr old Gabbe. The two are best friends now. In fact, when Skye goes back to college with my daughter, Gabbe will be heartbroken. She loves having a playmate. I guess I will need to start looking for a new puppy.

Jan S.

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ok...interaction update.....Grilly really wants nothing to do with Maddy.

He wags his tail at her, but when I put them together he runs away and goes somewhere she can't get to (sofa, ottoman, stairs) I think...and I repeat....think

(please don't repeat this....his male ego could be damaged) he might be

frightened of her :o Yes, this from a dog who went after a Rottie. In Grilly's

defense.....she does have a ferocious (sp) growl/bark when she wants him to

play.....what do you guys think? Today when Grill was on the bed with me (on the

side where her crate is) and she was in her crate, she growled (playful..I think)

and he jumped to the other side of the bed??? :confused1:


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it will get better. Just give them some time to adjust. Tabitha wasn't too happy about teona at first either. She was scared of her too :)

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You may just have something there...

Who knows what goes through the mind of a Cairn? :shock: Although Madison is small in contrast to Grilly, he may see her as a threat and instead of becoming aggressive and mean, he takes the alternate route and is timid and unsure of himself.

AND....he could also have a crush on his little sister and be playing the shy guy role. :shy:

All in good time...

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Abe and Scruffy were about the same size when we adopted Scruffy but Abe would not have much to do with him for the first few weeks. We had almost the same reactions you are getting. But now they are really close (actually both of them are curled up together beside me on the couch). When we first brought Scruffy in Abe would growl when we let him on the bed and Scruff would steer clear but now they will sleep together. Just give them a little time to figure each other out they will get closer in their own time.

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Hi Everybody! Thanks for all the encouraging words.

I think Grilly is coming around. He is much more himself

these days (tail wagging at everything) He is funny when

he done playing he runs up the stairs....safety zone!

For all those Helliott fans ( I am one!) We found out that

Madison is his half sister, they share the same Dad :)

Here are some pics of my babies in action;


Here is a blur of Cairn fun!


Grilly sharing his water with his sister, he is so sweet :wub:




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Great pics! So glad that Grilly is coming around!

Look forward to hearing what kind of trouble little Maddie gets herself into. If she is related to "Helliot" I am sue she will be very entertaining to say the least!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I'm happy Grilly and Maddy are getting along better! I love the "action shots"...look at those tails wagging!! Grilly looks like he'll be a great big brother :wub:

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Oh, that is wonderful news! Those pictures are precious.

I just can't wait to hear stories about her....I just know Madison and Elliott will be long distant partners in crime

The more I see all these puppy pictures and hear stories about our Cairns, the more I wish we all lived closer and could get together for a big Cairn terrier party.

Can you imagine the chaos, the fun and the BARKING? :lol:

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That is so great! I loved the picture of them sharing the water bowl- Grilly must be a very sweet boy indeed :halo: (some pups I have known wouldn't do that :twisted: )


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Ok...so it has been two weeks since Madison has joined our

family! :D

Grilly is definitely coming around, always wagging his tail at

his sister! AND he shared his most favorite toy with her ....

his beloved snake. :thumbsup: He is such a sweetheart!


Now I don't have to play tug with him....he has Madison!


I really think it is a great sign that he is sharing his snake. He loves

that toy so much!!! I have to admit I am breathing a big sigh

of relief!!!!

Ellie, Grilly and Madison

Thanks again to everyone who gave me positive thoughts! :wub:

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Okay, okay....now you must tell how come Grilly's snake is still in one piece!!

Those pictures are precious and the look on Grilly's face in the 2nd one is priceless. So glad love is in the air....

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What cute pictures! Wow! Looks like Maddie has grown already! I am so glad that they are getting along now. Sounds like getting 2 is the way to go...Now if I can just convince my DH of that.... :devil:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I knew he would love her :wub:

I too want to know how Grilly's snake still has the stuffing on the INSIDE.

2 minutes and Tabitha would have all the stuffing out :devil:

She recently just killed a polar bear :shock:

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How cute. I love the pictures. Did they come from the same breeder? The colors are so alike.



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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