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Introducing Madison Avenue "Maddy"


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Hey Everyone!

Grilly just adores this snake! I always put it up

after he plays with it. I have no idea why he hasn't

de-stuffed it yet. The snake came in a doggie bag

that dh got at Costco for Grilly last Christmas. He

fell in :wub: with that snake from the get go!

Liz~ Yes, we got Grilly and Madison at the same breeder.

It is just coincidence they are the same color. I love that

they match, but I know :cry: that she will be much lighter

than Grilly when she gets older. I think she will be light like her

brother Elliott! I wish she would stay that color, but oh well!


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Those pics of them playing together are soooo cute!!

I am so happy (and relieved) for you that they are becoming buddies.


Cathy and Piper

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