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Shadow is in a Terrier Contest...

Guest rottndobie

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Guest rottndobie


Thanks to the many fine folks here on Cairn Talk and over on the Cairn e-mail list, you have pulled Shadow out of the slumps and made him ahead. He is ahead with 663 votes to Dino's 618 and poor Casey/Rosie at 546. You know, I really would not have minded loosing to Casey/Rosie since one of them is a Cairn BUT I would sure hate to loose to a Westie (cute as they are...lol). 9 Days left on the voting. Here is hoping Shad can maintain his lead... :king:


Thanks again everyone so very much :)

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Go Shadow! Got our vote! Great site too! We just might have to submit a photo in the future!

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Shadow is at 31% 714 votes I think, I have been voting! :thumbsup: the closest one is at 27% with 647 votes (I think my numbers are close.) 7 days left. :thumbsup:

Tuff & Tippy

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