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Who sleeps with their dogs?


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Darcy LOVES to be on the bed with us! We let her sleep on the bed with us during naps. At night, we get her on the bed to help her calm down for bedtime and then before I fall asleep (by this time she is fast asleep) I tap her on the back and she wakes up, jumps off the bed, and goes directly into her crate. She likes sleeping there and we still lock the crate door. We crate trained her and it's nice that she has the comfort of knowing that is HER sancuary and that mommy and daddy can't get into it. Granted she's close to 8 months (still a pup), but she can be a wanderer so we like knowing where she is in the middle of the night. I doubt we will ever change this pattern.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Well after reading all your posts last night, I just HAD to bring Liddy upstairs with me. I let her sleep in my bed every once and awhile, but not on a regular basis. She's peed in my sisters bed once, but never in mine :P

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She's peed in my sisters bed once, but never in mine  :P

Hang in there, she'll get around to yours eventually. It's inevitable, really.

Sleeping on the bed is one of those things that I know objectively is questionable, but it's a 'rule' I'm willing to break because it makes ME happy. If I have trouble with a particular dog, or have pack issues as a result, I'll make the necessary corrections. But otherwise, I'm willing to trade maybe some extra work keeping my leadership position in exchange for the inexplicable psychological benefit.

Example: old, weaker dog with bed privileges = pretty much guaranteed to be attacked by a young challenger eventually. So we have to pay attention to provide extra protection for the older dog, and extra work to ensure the younger dog understands it's the humans who determine these things.

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