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Tomorrow. Puppy. First Cairn. (O_O)


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I hope you are not serious about getting a Cairn, AFireInsideOfMe. I think with the animals you have, there should be plenty for you to do to keep them happy.

Just my $.02 worth.

Sometimes more is not always better.

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Sorry but I have to agree with kayharley. My finance and I have been researching and searching for a Cairn for a year now. If you're serious about it then I suggest you wait until you have the money to buy the puppy that you want, and read lots of books about puppy training. I would start off by reading, "The Art of Raising a Puppy" by the Monks of New Skete and also "How To Be Your Dogs Best Friend" by the same authors. They talk a lot about training your puppy and providing for it the best that you can.

I know it's hard to wait, trust me, my pup was supposed to come today and he got a stress cold and now we have to wait a few more days, and it's killing me. It's so worth the wait though to know that you have the knowledge and ability to train and provide for a companion that you'll have for years to come.

Again though, just my two cents. :)

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Sorry but I have to agree with kayharley. My finance and I have been researching and searching for a Cairn for a year now. If you're serious about it then I suggest you wait until you have the money to buy the puppy that you want, and read lots of books about puppy training. I would start off by reading, "The Art of Raising a Puppy" by the Monks of New Skete and also "How To Be Your Dogs Best Friend" by the same authors. They talk a lot about training your puppy and providing for it the best that you can.

I know it's hard to wait, trust me, my pup was supposed to come today and he got a stress cold and now we have to wait a few more days, and it's killing me. It's so worth the wait though to know that you have the knowledge and ability to train and provide for a companion that you'll have for years to come.

Again though, just my two cents. :)


That's me by the way. Sorry forgot to log in.



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I have done research plenty. For a while now. And I AAAAM waiting till I have the money. Can't very well buy one without it you know. :-P

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