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To our fellow Cairn owners/lovers in New Orleans,


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Has anyone heard from Thela?  She mentioned she was from New Orleans.  My computer has been down and I have just read this thread and now I'm concerned.  :(

Toomanypaws are you okay in the panhandle?


Yes, Thela mentioned she was 48 miles west of New Orleans. I'm a bit concerned about her too. Thela, if you're reading this, please let us know how you're doing.

We did fine here in Panama City Beach. The winds were strong at times, and the waves at the beach were fierce looking. We were under tornado watch all day/night but only had a few heavy rains. I am just sick over these poor people who have lost everything.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Guest mrskti

i would bet she doesnt have power. I talked to a gal today with family down there west of N.O. and they're power is out. I'm sure she'll pop in when she can.

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My mom lives in Jackson, Miss. and I have been on the phone to her yesterday and today, and she has been without power since early yesterday morning. I would be pretty sure Thela's electricity is not yet working either, if she was west of the N.O. area. Please let us know how you and your family are when you can get on the computer, Thela!!

Off topic, a little: I have been looking at the Times Picayune newspaper website (NOLA.com) and it is just really heartbreaking. Since I grew up just a couple of hundred miles north of there, many of the names and landmarks are familiar.

Audubon Park is one of my favorite places, and per at least one message board on the website, it is ok. That is one bright spot, but otherwise it is just so sad.


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Toomanypaws...so glad you all are doing fine. We use to live in Ft. Walton Beach, many years ago. My husband was stationed at Eglin. Beautiful area that you live in. The sugar beaches!!!

I'm sure you are all right that we won't hear from Thela for awhile. Everyone in that area is in my thoughts and prayers. What a horrible thing that has happened there. Has anyone heard of any ways we can send help to that area? I did hear that Petco had set up something to help, but we don't have one in the area. Possibly just contribute to the Red Cross?


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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The ASPCA is taking donations to help the animals that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. You can click on the link below to go to the AsPCA web-site and donate.

ASPCA Disaster Relief Fund for Animals

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I'm very worried about everyone, their family and their pets' safety in New Orleans and Biloxi, MI. Thank you, savannahsmom for the link. We will definitely help.


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"Many of those who were rescued brought their pets - dogs, cats and even snakes - with them.

"Tell my parents their son is fine and I'm being evacuated," said Scott Radish, 25, as he stumbled up the concrete ramp with seven Cairn terriers that belong to his absent mom and dad - and two cats.

Judy Martin mourned not only for her mother who drowned but also for the two dogs, Tuppence and Peri, she had to leave behind."

**I just read that in an article on the USA Today web site. I just can't imagine what they are going through down there. Yay for Scott Radish. I pronounce him an honorary Cairn Talk member. My prayers are with all the survivors.

***couldn't spell honorary. I'm a bad speller.

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