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New brother for Alfie (maybe)


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Well bummer! I'm sorry to hear that Alfie won't be getting a buddy... but surely it's meant to be for some reason or another. There must be something bigger and better waiting around the corner for you.

Kate, Darcy & Bailey's mom
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Oh, I'm sorry you did not get Toby. I really like having two dogs, it was more work at first, but now I really think Brody and Mia enjoy each others company!

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I'm so sorry that things didn't work out with Toby. I'm a big believer in everything happens for a reason so I agree that something much better is waiting out there - the perfect pup for your family and Alfie.

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My children feel bad and couldn't understand why we weren't picked. Toby's owner had his reasons, and whatever it is, I'm sure it's for the best for both Toby and us. We'll continue searching for the right one, although we'll be taking our time this time around. Thanks everyone for all your thoughts, and and most of all, for listening! I feel lucky to be a part of this great forum!


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I'm sorry things didn't work out the way you hoped. Keep trying...I'm sure you'll find the perfect companion for Alfie. While we were approved by Colonel Potter to adopt one of their rescues, we were disappointed a few times when we didn't get specific dogs that seemed a perfect fit for us. Hang in there, and I'm certain you'll end up with the right dog for your family.

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