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Halloween 2005


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Rebel was born 11/16/2002 and he came to us at 9 weeks

Hammurabi the pug was born 8/12/2003 and he came to live with us 10/18/2003

We had a wolf that was 11 years old and she passed away last year she stayed outside most of the time but was the pack leader, she trained the boys well

/then Sugar was born 6/7/2005 and she flew in with me on 8/16/2005 and we are now on happy busy family and Rebel has become the leader but I think Sugar might over ride him at a later date

So to answer your question he was about 2 1/2 years old when Sugar came to stay


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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