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Another big dog attack


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Thanks, Brad! That's what I was trying to link to! My instructor said it's hard to get in the store because they are always out of it, but it's cheaper to try instore before buying online.

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How scary! Thank goodness he is okay!

I would have thought that your vet would have to report it since you took Alfie there after it happened. It would help out if vets were required to... that way you aren't worrying about doing the right thing. On top of everything else!


Sheila - mom of Maximus

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Unfortunately many vets dont care about reporting incidents - when we brought Bosco to the emergency room the vet on duty even said we didnt need to bring him in! Well after an attack and blood is involved, I bring the pup in regardless - I am no vet and would not begin to judge how serious an attack is once blood is involved!

We are not allowed to carry mace in NY but I did buy Direct Stop and carry it with me.

BTW - there has been an akita loose in the neighborhood every day this week. The mailman refuses to deliver mail to any houses near that part of the block. And the idiot owners dont seem to give a hoot, despite several complaint letters from the post office. :( :(

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Thanks, everyone for your concern. I have a phone call in to the Animal Control Officer who is not always in her office :mad: but yes, I will definitely be reporting this. We took pictures to document it. Our vet did not offer to report it, he assumed we were going to. By the way, there is a 3 year statute of limitation (at least that's how I interpreted the NYS law), but of course I am not going to wait for 3 years....the sooner the better. I am actually not as calm as I appear to be. We have been walking another route since the attack and it's always with my husband nowadays. Our neighbor also got scared and started walking her two dogs through another route.

Alfie's wound is healing now and it's completely dry. He has been good taking the antibiotic -- I wrap it in cheese and he gulps it down!

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