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The Urban Cairn

Blackbelt Jones

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"and a Portillos Hot Dog as well!!!"

All of a sudden I feel like Homer Simpson...aaahhhh.... Portillo's.........aahhhh

Yum (drool)

We'll be up in Chicago in June to see King Tut, my parents will be spoiling the Gremlins rotten the whole time!

This shows how long it's been since I moved, Hancock 3rd tallest now? What the new #2?


p.s I can't get a Grilled Yellowfin Tuna from Portillo's out of my mind now! This is going to be a long Friday!

Tracy, Amos, Walter, Brattwrust & Mettwurst a.k.a The Gremlins

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EVERYBODY loves Portillos!!!

Wonder if they allow doggies on the Metra??

Unfortunately, only trained dogs assisting the disabled are permitted on Metra commuter trains. :( However, if you have a doggie carrier (like a Sherpa), you may not have an issue... the are allowed on the El, at any rate!

This shows how long it's been since I moved, Hancock 3rd tallest now? What the new #2?

The Aon Center is #2 (they don't count the broadcast antennas on the JHC in the official height)... but with Trump Tower being built (to be finished in 2008), it will push Big John down to #4!!! And if Fordam Spire gets built (it is looking like a real good chance so far)... it will be taller than the Sears, putting JH down to #5! Funny how fast things change, eh? See the attached diagram for all the latest and greatest supertall Chicago buildings below...


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welcome to u and clancy! i use to live on the 3rd floor apt. building with no elevators with cairn peebles. she got to know steps quickly, as did we! :P

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Hi! Thought I'd jump into this post, as we are a little urban family: me, boyfriend, and little Dylan. We're sort of in the same boat as far as trying to train him, so not much in the way of advice to share. But it would be nice to compare notes with someone else dealing with traffic, dirty sidewalks, and pigeons! We're in NYC, and live on the 10th floor of an apartment building. I'm working on getting some city skyline shots with Dylan to post up here. How's the housetraining going? Your Clancy is ADORABLE!

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When I first got Sophie I took her to a friends. When I went upstairs to use the ladies room...Sophie whined at the bottom for a minute. Then trot ,trot she headed up, and then followed me right down. Stairs are not a problem for her.

Now what is a challenge for her is gaps in the sidewalk that require a bit of a jump. She is not a big on jumping over things. Jumping off of stuff is fun, but over is not her high point.



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Missed this post somehow :confused:

Never had to housetrain in the city (Moved to Princeton, NJ

to avoid that LOL) but have lived in Manhattan 11th floor and

will be going back soon. Hopefully Mads will be housetrained by then!

My biggest issue with city living is the mess of other dogs. Even though we

have poop laws, there always seems to be turds to smell :sick:

the other issue that scares me is the electrocution scares!

We solved that problem by making Grilly wear booties, it helps with

the salt too!

Here is Grilly eating yogurt and sunning himself!



Here is to city dogs :thumbsup:


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, ol' Clancy has finally been growing out his outer coat... we did a side by side shot for comparison. Here he was 1) back in early March and 2) from today, April 19th!


He has gotten so furry!!! But he has taken to down town life well. Here he is from last week 1) relaxing after hours with a good porkhide chew and 2) waiting patiently by his three favorite toys... :)


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He is such a cutie! He reminds me a lot of Savannah at that age. :wub:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Clancy is gorgeous! I'm glad he's becoming such a sophisticated New Yorker! Thanks for the wonderful pictures.

Tara, Olie and Teddy

Max and Nelly

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Clancy is adorable. Love the city view. I was downtown shopping, water tower

etc... I'm amazed at all the pooches strolling Michagan Ave. I stopped more to pet these babys than I did shop.

Is Clancy a Sox's fan or Cubs fan?

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Clancy is gorgeous!  I'm glad he's becoming such a sophisticated New Yorker!  Thanks for the wonderful pictures.

Tara, Olie and Teddy


OOPS...we mean sophisticated Chicagoan! :whistle:

Max and Nelly

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How could I have missed this thread :(

We're in Boston - me, hubby and Charley - 10months :D We don't live in a high rise, but we are in 2nd floor walk up in Boston's South End. So - from day one Charley has had to deal with 2 flights of steep stairs - one set of concrete ones outside, and carpeted interior ones - he races up those once we get in, as any Cairn worth his mischief should do :thumbsup:

I don't have any skyline pics - but now as the weather is getting better here - I will get some and post them.

As far as our experiences so far.....We didn't have much of a problem with potty training - however before we got him home I had bought one of those pet potty things and put it out on my deck. It was a plastic contraption with grass sod in it. Well...I think that whole scenario confused him, as he wouldn't go on it. We concluded that the deck of the unit above looked like a roof to him, so we didn't want to confuse him - so all potty stuff was done out the front door, down the steps etc. We tried for a few days with the plastic potty thing - but after a while he would just dig up the grass sod..... :whistle:

Boston is basically dog friendly, we have some great pet boutique places, and some nice dog parks. There are tons of dog owners in our neighborhood. However, there are some very vocal anti-dog people too....which I won't get into here.

It goes without saying - leashes are a MUST, 4ft. Training is key too - we have been going since Charley was 18 weeks. WAIT - has been a life saver a couple of times for me :thumbsup:

I really think city living exposes our pups to sooo much - he isn't phased at all with police sirens, fire trucks, honking horns, construction, kids on bikes, people yelling, roller bladers, wheelchairs - however he goes CRAZY around skatebaords....we're working on that :confused:

For socializaion - we have the dog park down the street - which I actually only use occassionally. I have found that once there are too many dogs in there, that the doggie excitement level can escalate quite quickly, and I have seen fights there. So - I only go in when there a a few dogs in there, or owners I know etc...sometimes the park can be so full, all the owners let their dogs off, some start up conversations with each other, others flip open their cell phones, meanwhile some poor pup is being chased around the park relentlessly, or there's a group of dogs eyeing a toy someone has brought and left behind.... :wub:

Charley goes to a doggie daycare a couple of days a week. He gets on a "school bus" a few blocks from my house, and they drop him off there in the evening. It's so convenient. Most people get a kick out of seeing a bus full of doggies. I work 10 mins from home, so on days he's not at daycare I go home for lunch, so it works out nicely.

Anyways - I think my post is getting too long...Brad will impose a word limit if I don't shut up here :whistle:

I'll post some good Boston pics soon - and one final thing I want to say - This forum is great, and everyone on here is fantastic :)

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Oh my goodness. How cute Charlie is on his school bus.

That is a great idea. Here in Chicago, we don't have doggy buses. That is a good idea. I love it. We have mobile dog grooming which I use but the school bus pick up is too cute.

I think Charlie loves the school bus. Is he getting a good report card?

Thanks for making my day.

Charlie is adorable.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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He really loves his daycare! He basically spends his entire day playing with all his puppy friends. He comes home EXHAUSTED :D It's actually quite comical sometimes, when he gets home he just flops down on the floor with a thud! Ah - music to my ears :thumbsup:

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That bus is the best thing ever. You know someday he's going to bring home a small child, claim it followed him home from the bus stop, and ask to keep it :-)


And like all good Cairn mommies and daddies we will say "LEAVE IT" :!:

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