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where do your dogs sleep?


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I doubt we'll ever get pets off of our bed. :confused: We have quite a crew here. Kiara and Abbey sleep together in the kitchen, unless a thunderstorm rolls in. If that happens, they (thanks to Kiara) demand the security of their crates which are in our bedroom. Hannah starts out in her crate, but usually slams her paw at the crate door during the night to be brough up into the bed, which is shared by our Lab. She'll curl up into a little ball and try to sleep right through the morning alarm.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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We have a two-dog limit. Barley and Haggis sleep on the bed. (Haggis splits his night between a fleece bed on the floor, my feet, the doorway to the bedroom, back to my feet, back to the fleece bed, and standing on Peggy to tell her it's time to get up and give all dogs a biscuit -- you get the idea.) If a girl is in season, Haggis sleeps in a crate in the office. Echo and Stella sleep in crates in the hallway between the kitchen and family room. Cairns are very adaptable. You should put your own and your husband's rest first.

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for most of the time my two sleep with us ,Rufus will often go under the bed where he has made a little den, rosebud starts on the bed then will get off in the night ,

If I do shut them in the Kitchen for some reason it really dose'nt seem to bother them! Grilly i think they will be fine after a day or two.



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Crunch and Gus both sleep in our bedroom in crates. Crunch started out in the beginning in my son's room, but my son likes to keep later hours than we do. So, we moved Crunch. Around 5 am, I get up to let them both out for a potty break. When I get back into bed for an hour, Crunch gets in the bed with me to snuggle. I have on some occasions let Crunch strart out in our bed, but he moves around too much, runs to the door to bark at every noise, and is basically a nuisance if you are trying to sleep. I think Grilly and Maddie will protest at first, but that they will soon adapt. Next month we are taking a trip to the Bahamas and my folks will keep the dogs. I have thought about taking them over to my parents' house several times this month for an hour or two just to let them nap in the crates in the room they will sleep in (which is not the bedroom). Maybe that is something that you could try.

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Abby Rose has always slept in her crate in our bedroom. My DH recently got a 9 week old lab and both dogs crates are now in the kitchen. The 1st night was not good, but they are quite happy there now. (The 1st nite the new puppy cried quite a bit which I think is quite normal).

abbyrose17lk.gifAbby Rose
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