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Giant Cairn Puppy


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Just an update on my GC - "Will." We went to the Vet Tuesday for his 16 week shots. The Vet recommended I cut his food back from 1 cup to 3/4 cup and maybe cut our a treat or two a day or substitute with baby carrots. Well we did that and he went from 10 lbs 13 oz on Tues. to 11 lbs 4 oz today - his 17 week old birthday..... :) His sis "Grace" is a sheppard/husky mix weighing about 70 lbs, maybe he is confused about his heritage :)

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....we say Ellie is our cairn on steroids!!! She's just our big boned girl is all....we love her anyway. We dont call her bulldozer for nothing!!

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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That's what I say about myself "I'm just a big boned girl" :) I call Will my "Chunky Monkey" or "Chubbie" He could end up with an adult weight of 10 lbs or 30 lbs, I just love him to pieces - not matter. I am just so amazed by his size - just wasn't expecting it! :) Sounds like there are as many of one size as the other...

P.S. Your Big Boned Girl is beautiful!

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awww thanks....I always said that if Ellie were a boy, her name would be "chunk"!!! LOL

Terry, mom of Dori and Ellie Mae


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  • 2 weeks later...

Had Will weighed when I took Grace (his sister) to get her shots. She of course had to notice he is "chubby" and she was shocked by his age - 18 Weeks. He weighs about 12 1/2 lbs. The vet suggested taking him off puppy food and just feeding him regular dog food. Any thoughts from all you experts on doing such. Appreciate any feedback. Thank you Will & Grace's Mom.....

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